Fun with Arithmetic
- Two plus two is <%= [expr 2+2] %>
- This AOLserver is running version <%= [info tclversion] %> of Tcl.
# here's an example of escaping to Tcl with <% and executing code
# for its effect on the environment in which we'll evaluate the rest
# of the page
set aquarium_types_and_costs \
[list [list "Lake Malawi Cichlid" 5000] \
[list "Saltwater Community" 7000] \
[list "Reef" 10000] \
[list "Planted Freshwater" 6000] \
[list "Suspended-in-midair Stingray Pond" 45000] \
- The first element of
<%= $aquarium_types_and_costs %>
<%= [lindex $aquarium_types_and_costs 0] %>
- Here are some aquarium plans for the new building:
# we will use ns_puts to add to the viewable page from within this
# page
set total 0
foreach pair $aquarium_types_and_costs {
# let's immediately destructure, preserving some
# semblance of abstraction
set aquarium_type [lindex $pair 0]
set aquarium_cost [lindex $pair 1]
incr total $aquarium_cost
ns_puts "- $aquarium_type will cost \$$aquarium_cost\n"
ns_puts "
- Total: \$$total"