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I observed a couple of years ago that the Information Age needed some basic principles a la Azimov's laws for Robots or Newton's for Mechansical Systems. My proposed three principles of the Information Age are: 1) The cost of Production, transmission and storage of Information is decreasing rapidly toward zero 2) Because of 1) all value in Information is asymtotically found in its intelectual property (IP) thus the creation not the manifestation is where the value is located 3) The Less it costs to P, T, S, and for the IP of the Information the greater the quantity of Information that will be in circulation Corollary -- Unfortunatly, Like Gresham's Law -- Low IP value information will dominate over high IP value information. An thus trash rules -- get a really good filter and batten down the hatches -- its going to be a bumpy milllennium tpk