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Something that the Senate should have said, but GODS help them they never will; "Like all other activities your children are involved in, they are YOUR children, MONITOR YOUR CHILD'S ACTIVITIES!!!" However in this day of lawyers, lawsuits and finger pointing why should any parent take on the PERSONAL responsibility of their children's actives? If your child is smoking behind the house with his/her friends is it your job to stop this activity or is it better just passed off to the lawyer to file suit against the Big Tobacco companies because your child was harming themselves with their product? The correct answer is to stop your child from smoking. When he/she is an adult, they can make up their own mind on such issues. The same would go with Internet content. Where is the dividing line between a child obtaining a copy of an adult magazine and a child accessing an adult website? Sex is in the face of our children everyday; it is up to us as parents to TAKE the responsibility...