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Cloud computing at it's finest and at it's worst 15 years of it. The Business Productivity Online, (BPOS) is an absolute great idea, however, Mr Gates, shit fucks up and someone's got to fix it like I really need to tell you. Tell ME something, does it make sense to hire loyal, trained, dedicated and educated professionals and keep them long term or to hire uneducated, drug addicts, who wash themselves on occasions who have no concept of resolution..for a dollar less than hiring what customers want...an educated dedicated professional. BPOS Standard, Dedicated and the likes will not last in India that is a fucking dumb idea. Start drug testing people, the last thing I want to do as a business owner or a small business is to spend my savings, loans, time and effort getting my company up then having some fuck up "engineer" fuck my shit up. Let's make certain Microsoft doesn't fall off because, people don't wan't money, they want to spend it. I doubt the federal BPOS will ever take o...