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After years of regularly reading this and its predecessor online, I bought a copy of the 'dead tree' version recently. I wish I had done so earlier. For a start, it seems to be out of print, and while second-hand copies are available, sales of those won't benefit Philip or the publisher. It also has magnificent production values, using high quality printing on high quallity, heavy, glossy paper. This means not only does it look great as a 'coffee table' book, it also solves a major problem with the online edition: if the idiot in charge of your organisation's website won't even consider the possibility that they could be wrong when they break almost every rule suggested in the book, pointing them to the website probably isn't going to help. But hitting them over the head with a printed version that weighs 1.7kg (3.75lbs) might just get the message through... I no longer work there, so the guy who still breaks every link to our site about once a month by changing all...