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Not pretty at all but it works...CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION interval_to_seconds(x INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND ) RETURN NUMBER IS s VARCHAR2(26); days_s VARCHAR2(26); time_s VARCHAR2(26); N NUMBER(10,6); BEGIN s := TO_CHAR(x); days_s := SUBSTR(s,2,INSTR(s,' ')-2); time_s := SUBSTR(s,2+LENGTH(days_s)+1); N := 86400*TO_NUMBER(days_s) + 3600*TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(time_s,1,2)) + 60*TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(time_s,4,2)) + TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(time_s,7)); IF SUBSTR(s,1,1) = '-' THEN N := - N; END IF; RETURN N; END;