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What is money? Money is a symbol (printed paper, minted coins, a number on a bank's ledger) that represents an ability to obtain goods or services. It has this power because a government says it does. As long as people believe in that government, money distributed by it retains its value. Being rich is the state of having much more money (or access to money) than is necessary for survival. Why does being rich make some happy, and not others? Because money gives people a sense of security. Money represents, in an abstract sense, a freedom from the fear of not having what you need or want. When a person only needs or wants food, shelter, entertainment, and other material things, being rich makes them happy. When their lives are missing the things that money can't buy, like self-respect, friendship, love, and other non-material things, being rich does not make them happy. Their money does not release them from the fear of being alone, or of disliking who they are, or of being u...