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I will leave most of what Simon Hayes said to be responded to by Dr. Greenspun ( and hopefully he does ). However I must say that the conversation he replicates sounds more like one of those episodes of a TV show where the characters fight over what happened and give their perspectives tainted by what they want to believe. His representation that "books without CDs in the back" was an idea way ahead of it's time, ( so there were no books published before CDs were invented? ) seems strange, given that virtually no book published by Addison-Wesley at the time had a CD in back. Many of these were considered "must read" books serious preogrammers. Authors include James Coplien, Scott Meyers, Bjarne Stroustrup. One of the books was "Design Patterns". Finally, when he decided to compare Dr. Greenspun to Scott Hacker ( sounds like the programming equivalent of a porn name to me ): "There were some amazingly good other authors at that party, including Scott Hacker,...