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hmmmm,i've been insulted by JUST about every type of sentient creature on earth; and now i'm challenged to justify my mere EXISTENCE to the liberal left. being an anglo-saxon male in a cultural expression of sexual slavery with an equally anglo-saxon woperson(hah!)i feel somewhat less than appreciated for my non-efforts at racial integration and expansion of the multichromal race that is replacing the caucasian/asian/negro race by the thousands daily. liberals. shit, i can't stand a liberal. remember libertarianism? what a joke; a complete waste of time and all they did was make SURE Reagan was re-elected, just like that appearance-challenged pair of morons Perot and Forbes did for that slippery goat Bill Clinton when they put on their dog-and-pony show. you want to make things better? READ your "white-male oppressed" history books(not the PC revisionist versions) and LEARN something about how our country was formed and what was sacrificed for you...