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All, I have a very simple take on Bill Gates. To those who feel Bill Gates is victimizing you or the rest of the world, feel that he has an unfair monopoly, feel that he stole DOS, or whatever: Life is not fair. Get used to it, deal with it, and move on. Download linux and run it, you don't need to let him victimize you. I dislike monolithic corporations as much as the next guy, but there is nothing you can do about it. Stop obsessing. If Bill Gates is the only one victimizing you, consider yourself lucky. The golden rule applies. Unless you are storming Redmond with a guerilla army to destroy microsoft by force, you will never beat them. Even if you did, you probably still wouldn't beat them. To those who love Bill Gates and what he has done: Keep on getting worms and running crummy software. It will catch up with you one day, when you need your computer the most. My take: I use windows for applications that only run on windows. Now that OS-X is here, they are getting port...