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Your page shows that Oracle REALLY IS worth the money spent on it.
In many cases single 800MHz P III 1 GB RAM with 2x2x18 GB SCSI LVD RAID is enough to run whole enterprise if developers know something about tuning PL/SQL queries AND Oracle DBA knows about setting startup parameters. You did great work showing people that sometimes changing a single line in init..ora speeds up database.
After some hard work on Oracle 8i I have some tips that help other DBAs:
- When Your developer forgets to compile all changed objects, You have to do it yourself. I know that DBA Studio allows this (yeah it's easier) , but via SQL*Plus it's much faster and even automatic. You do such a script:
spool recompile.sql
SELECT 'ALTER ' || object_type || ' ' || object_name || ' compile;' from user_objects where status='INVALID';
spool off
-- end
and then You run
Nice, works fine for me :)
Guys from Ora...