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I only discovered this page by accident while looking for rdb info and curiousity ran away with my mind again and led it thru the article and all the comments. I don't presume to make any valid judgement of the efficacy of any of the comments or proposals offered [ and I am not the Bob Doe who is editor of the TES ] but in summary, I was encouraged by the widespread recognition that there are problems evident with most present methods of education funding. The indications seem to be that the problems increase proportionaly as the scope and size and/or the method of providing the funding increase. The same holds generally true for the institution or method of delivering the education. An obvious case can be made for reducing both to the smallest and most effective unit that can collect and deliver the information accurately and economically. At this time ,that would logically seem to be a database . It would be funded by those whose use of the information justi...