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Yo Bill Gates puts his pants on like any other man, one leg at a time (his pockets might be heavier than mine but thats besides the point)...i dont know him from adam therefore i can't judge him and even if i did know him, i still couldn't....i'm not God. "Judge not for he who judges shall be judged". Im sure every one of you out there are not perfect either. And not for nothing but the guy can't be a complete idiot if he was able to monopolize an ENTIRE industry and become the richest man on Earth. It has to take some form of intelligence in order to move with such strategics. I'm sure mungo the local town idiot couldn't have done that.... Billyboy may (or may not) have done some underhanded dirty shit to get his riches, but c'mon people....this is America, the land itself was forcefully stolen from its native inhabitants. Then built up its economy on the backs and blood of MEN,WOMEN, AND CHILDREN stolen from their homeland. Point being, at least the nerd didnt murder any...