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why bill gates is richer than you... he has a thought of using old computers and up dating them for the people that he thinks with his invision for the future. hey it works"" so he has all that money and dosent have the time for the poor shmoo out there, well he has the means today for his work and yes he stole things to get to it most rich people canive to get to the top any way. sure we all like to have 1 third of what this guys worth, but greed has a way of comming back to people who obtain wealth for an evil purpose,what goes around comes around, if in deed he would do good with this wealth he abtained ten great if not shame on him,good for anyone that takes a chance with ones head and back bone and achives his or her goals in an honest way more power to them,to lie cheat and steal to get to the top like most people today in politics well you cant throw the book at one guy that proved that he had a ambition to do right in his own way and obtain great wealth in doing it,i say to b...