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This page is funny in a "painfully true" sort of way. As an MIT grad (course 6.1, EE, not CS, way back in the mid-1980s) I have often found myself in the odd position of explaining myself with respect to my education. People have an expectation of MIT grads, and I do not meet that standard. While the coursework at MIT was certainly not difficult, I found myself at odds with the reclusive, introverted and often immature personalities I found both at school and in the engineering workplace. It was very difficult for me to make friends among those crowds, though not elsewhere. I am by nature a gregarious person, more interested in "big picture" connections than details; I love art, history, music and poetry. I am bored to death by sports and science fiction alike. While at MIT, I connected with few kindred souls and found the place quite unpleasant and unstimulating; intellectually most students were mono-focused and lacking depth. Generosity was rare and the humor juvenile. By placi...