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I have bought Mastering Regular Expressions because I found the review here, but I just would say two thinks:If anybody still thinks of buying the book, he is adviced.
- This is the first book by Jeffrey Friedl, and this guy knows nothing about how to write a book. I guess he is better administering Unix systems and not writing.
- The web is the last thing the author thinks about. He never shows examples of html.
I am very surprised than you, Phillip, a great programmer, have read Independence Day. That talks very well about you.This novel is maybe the best one I have ever read. I don't know if you know who is Pío Baroja and Benito Pérez Galdós. They both are spanish, and I can recognice their style here.
I am a graduate in spanish literature, but I haven't read any other spanish novel after this.
If anybody reads in spanish, there is a long review about this written by me in www.multitextos.com/articulos/caos4.htm.