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I've spent the last year and a half on large vignette projects and am a certified V/5 developer. My complaints regarding Vignette are as follows:OH! and VPS.. I have yet to meet a VPS programmer that knows what they're doing. We hired 2 VPS consultants, and one of them had never programmed in TCL, just AS...
- Vignette handles static files in such a way that multiple static file operation cause the server to drag to a crawl.
- CMS Workflow sucks ass. It's buggy, slow, and lacks power. Use database tables and get 100 times better performance.
- The API Vignette uses with Oracle is extremely lacking and flaky. For instance, the SEARCH PROCEDURE and SEARCH TABLE commands can't handle inserting into CLOBS!
- TCL is an antiquated language. how many times have you had to use \\\\\\\\\\\\\n for a line feed? There are some good things about TCL, but there are many other BETTER languages out there that can do the same thing just as fast or faster!