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Let me put my position firmly. I am pro-Microsoft. I have sound, intelligent resons for my views. I am above the petty, speculative claptrap that Mac- and UNIX-bigots extol so freely and regularly. Now that we understand each other, I am prepared to throw down the gauntlet. To paraphrase John Major, it's time to 'put-up or shut-up'. Allow me to use an analogy to illustrate my first point. The subject of genetically modified food is as deeply specialised and scientific as the software engineering process. The issues of genetically modified food affect everyone in society and we all have the right to air our views. Unfortunately, those who attempt to slander G.M. foods without care for facts, reading or the subtle intricacies of the science simply do not have a place in the forum and appear untimately foolish. Software engineering is a science too and I believe we should expect no less in this forum than in other scientific discussions. CHALLENGE 1: Talk is cheap. I challenge any...