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I am a freeloader.I get free healthcare, free schooling for my son and my rubbish is taken away for free. The term freeloader however seems only to be used when someone starts receiving cash. I happen to be in the fortunate position of earning an income, thus paying tax, but I have no idea whether my tax covers the benefits I receive from my fellow citizens.
As you said, Phil, the actual amount required to give people basic dignity is quite small. Certainly quite reasonable when compared with the cost of the services I listed above.
Where I take issue with you Phil, is that you suggest that you know what people need when in hard times - food and shelter. If I were out of work I may have these provided by friends and need instead stamps for job applications and cash for telephone calls. Just give me the 20 dollars per day and I'll decide what to spend it on. Actually just me 10 dollars per day, but let me have it every day whether I'm working or not. Of cours...