If you were to log in, you'd be able to get more information on your fellow community member.
When I saw the Philip and Alex book in my local Waterstones bookstore, I thought to myself, who is this arrogant guy who thinks his book should be filled with strange photos and not screen shots and charts. A week later my curiosity got the better of me and I bought it. Philip, I've read your book from cover to cover 7 times ( and even a couple of times I've re-read my favourite chapters on the web at work), it really is that good. A few months ago I sold half my useless old computer books on ebay, when I get round to selling the rest I'll do it on the website I built using the ideas and technology you introduced me to.
I think a number of peoples comments above, miss the point of Philip's gripes completely.Philip is the creator and sole owner of the copyright to his works, he is not trying to extract as much value as possible, only request that people who use his images give attribution and link back to him.
Being such a nice guy he has even created a license to make things nice and easy and legal.
The morons who cant be bothered to adhere to such a simple and limited license deserve to be listed here.
Alan, I guess the problem was that the photos on that website were copyrighted, I'm sure that if somebody told you can take that Porsche 911 you saw on the street, because they claim it belongs to nobody, you would be a little suspicious of their claims.
I'm not going to try and justify Philip keeping you on his list, maybe those "Fuck-You internet police" that DO NOT operate within the law paid him a visit and left him feeling mightily pissed :o
Anyway have you actually asked him to remove you?
He does after all list several methods of contact, and I don't think the fact that he publishes this site means he reads all the comments. In fact, having read his books, I'd bet it's a very infrequent past-time of his.
I think Philip is doing himself down. My copy of the book, bought in 1999 is totaly worn out and falling apart. Not because of poor production standards, but because I have read it so often. As the previous reviewer wrote, PAGWP is filled with wonderful humour and sarcastic joy. Philip was able to take what was an interesting if dry subject, database backed websites, and make it genuinely fun.