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God I loved your article! Here's a few words on why....I teach a "Taming the Electronic Frontier" course via distance education (internet+TV). One of the first assignments is "Here's how to write HTML. Use it to build a digital portfolio that delivers quality to your readers".
And frankly, I got what I deserved. Crap. Even using Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" as the textbook to teach about quality, I still got crap.
Eventually I got (most of) them to pay attention to quality by assigning peer assessment exercises in which everyone reviewed and RATED everyone's work according to quality delivered to readers.
I loved this article because it teaches something that the world really doesn't know, judging from my students (and 99% of the web as a whole). The biggest complaint from my students is that I never TOLD them that quality was determined by their readers, not by them. Big secret I was expected to "teach" in class. Funny.....