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I won't comment on my opinions of StoryServer or Vignette or we'll be here all day. But I do want to comment on what someone else has said relating to StoryServer's "dialect" of tcl and how hard it is to use and learn. I'm a diehard tcl programmer -- did it full time for 3+ years, and another couple of years part-time before ever even hearing of Vignette. When I took the storyserver class, it was literally only about an hour or two before I was able to create fully functioning web pages customized for individual users, using both built-in storyserver tcl commands and my own commands written from scratch. Learning the StoryServer "dialect" was a no-op, a non-issue. They have a 100% implementation of standard tcl, with enhancements. I'll admit that the backquoting is odd, but is easy to learn and easy to work with once you understand how and why it works. Again, it took me only an hour or two to understand. And in storyserver 5, it is possible to write templates that do not have t...