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I recently arrived in Korea from the states, and have quickly become jaded with the whole military hangout scene composed of beer-can-on-the-forehead, tobbacco-dipping meatheads and whore house strips posing as topless clubs. To keep me from getting depressed, I've resolved to use this coming year for learning. Luckily, even though the phone lines don't work half the time, the camp library's computer section is useless garbage from the 70's, and I was told at the video store, which is replete with nothing but various MS 2000 books, that it would take four months to get "JAVA for Dummies" (I feel silly about trying to order that now that I read this page), I have a dedicated line to the internet 24/7. This provides a medium for acquiring the information and resources that I need to build my on-line magazine, my learning project for the coming year. It was such a great surprise finding Greenspun's site, after weeks of fumbling through cyberspace trash trying to find anything useful....