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Before comming yourself to Storyserver, familiarize yourself with it as well as possible. Getting Story is a big investment and in my experience, even the software itself is more expensive than first thought. Most people are surprised by Story does and doesn't do after they've bought it. Remember it's a tool for building sites and might not actually do anything you want of it without lots and lots of programming. In the projects I've been working with Story, the end cost of the site was more than three times the cost of the software itself due to code development costs of the deployed site (and that's a big wad of cash). Part of the costs came from paying a Vignette consultant who's code wasn't used in the end system. (Think about that.) Further, at least right now, the system is proprietary in just about everything. Even the TCL interpreter has differences to other systems and even if someone knows other TCL systems, one needs to familiarize with the exact dialect used in Story. ...