# /www/seia/examples-basics/quotation-add-pseudo-code.txt
# This is the target program for the form in /basics/quotations
# we expect author_name, category, quote
set exception_count 0
set exception_text ""
# It's always a good idea to do error checking on information that is
# typed in by users.
if { ![ns_queryexists author_name] || [empty_string_p [ns_queryget author_name]] } {
incr exception_count
append exception_text "
Posting stuff on the Internet without attribution is rude. Please enter an author name.\n"
if { $exception_count > 0 } {
# you'll have to implement a procedure that returns a standard
# site-wide error page to the user
return_complaint $exception_count $exception_text
# terminate execution of this thread (a goto!)
# At this point the user's input is reasonably good.
# Now we'll do the insertion in the quotations table. We use a db_dml
# command that locks the table to protect against simultaneous updates
# from multiple users of this service. One almost never needs
# explicit "lock table" commands in Oracle. This is a rare situation
# where we are reading information from the database and then
# performing an update relying on the information we read not to have
# changed.
db_transaction {
db_dml lock_table "lock table quotations in exclusive mode"
# the command db_string takes a query name and an sql query
# as arguments and returns the results of that query as a string
set new_key [db_string max_quote_id "select nvl(max(quotation_id)+1,1) from quotations"]
# we set the query variables as local variables
set author_name [ns_queryget author_name]
set category [ns_queryget category]
set quote [ns_queryget quote]
# db_dml is smart enough to fill the SQL bind variables (the ones
# with ":" in front of them) with values from local variables of
# the same name
db_dml insert_quote "insert into quotations
(quotation_id, insertion_date, author_name, category, quote)
(:new_key, sysdate, :author_name, :category, :quote)
# instead of cluttering up the user interface with an extra page, we
# simply redirect to the first page for this service. The user
# will be able to see that the quote got in
ns_returnredirect "quotations"