A young girl studies Hebrew in the Venetian ghetto.

Chapter 15: Case Studies

by Philip Greenspun, part of Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing, very slightly revised to remove dead links in September 2004

This chapter contains six case studies, each with some actual source code. I present user interface, interaction design, and data modeling ideas that should be useful to you in many contexts. This chapter is not a step-by-step guide. If it were, it would be 800 pages long, absurdly boring, and extremely tool-specific.

Because I'm afraid that your eyes will glaze over and you'll skip this, I'll try to give you a hint of what is in store. Case 1 is straightforward and dull. It is intended to help you understand how AOLserver Tcl works with a simple mailing list registration application. Feel free to skip it. Case 2 shows how to generalize this application so that many static Web services can share a single RDBMS-backed service. It is a powerful idea that I have used at least a dozen times. Case 3, the birthday reminder system, introduces the idea that less can be more. It does less than a calendar management program but is easier to use. Case 3 also demonstrates how to build a back-end to loop through a database table and send e-mail when necessary. In doing so, it addresses in a practical way an important question about concurrency and RDBMS.

Case 4, the bulletin board system, shows how important it is to have all of your services run from the same database management system and users table. It also raises the interesting issue of whether a 99 percent reliable system isn't better than a 100 percent reliable system. Case 5, ArsDigita Quizze, shows how to use a server-side database to keep session state, preserve a user's ability to go back and forward on pages, yet keep the user from using the Back button to cheat on a quiz. Case 6 covers the Uptime server monitoring system and brings up issues of maintainability for public Internet services.

I hope that you're inspired. If you don't have the patience to read the source code then please at least skim the text underneath each new case headline.

Case 1: The Mailing List

Easter Island.  Tivoli Miniature World.  Niagara Falls, Canadian Side. We went through this in the first chapter on RDBMS-backed sites, but now let's do it over again with actual code. Remember that you want a mailing list system for your site. Users can add and remove themselves, supplying email addresses and real names. You want to be the only one who can view the list and the only one who can send mail to the list.

Step 1: The data model

create table mailing_list (
        email           varchar(100) primary key,
        name            varchar(100)

Step 2: Legal Transactions

Here are examples of the two types of transactions:
insert into mailing_list (email,name)
values ('philg@mit.edu','Philip Greenspun');
delete from mailing_list where email = 'philg@mit.edu';

Step 3: Mapping Transactions onto Web Forms

A form to add someone to the list ...
<title>Add yourself to the mailing list</title>
<body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>
<h2>Add yourself to the mailing list</h2>
<form method=post action=add.tcl>
<tr><td>Name<td><input name=name type=text size=35>
<tr><td>email<td><input name=email type=text size=35>
<input type=submit value="Add Me">
(see for this form rendered by a Web browser) ... and a form so that someone can delete himself from the list ...
<title>Remove yourself from the mailing list</title>
<body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>
<h2>Remove yourself from the mailing list</h2>
<form method=post action=remove.tcl>
<tr><td>email<td><input name=email type=text size=35>
<input type=submit value="Remove Me">
(see for this form rendered by a Web browser)

Step 4: Writing Code to Process Those Forms

This is supposed to be the easy part and it really is. However, looking at someone else's source code is always confusing. Don't infer from your confusion that these are complex programs. The only real art to them is how they handle errors and ill-formed input.

Here is an AOLserver Tcl script to process the "add me" form. The script will

  1. Check for user input errors in Tcl before sending anything to the database so that more attractive error messages can be returned.
  2. Formulate an SQL INSERT.
  3. Send the INSERT to the database.
  4. Report success or failure to the user.
Here's the full program:
# call philg's magic functions to set local variables
# to what the user typed into the form

# name, email, QQname, QQemail are now set
# get an open database connection from the AOLserver
set db [ns_db gethandle]
# Check for errors in user input before doing anything else
# we use the Tcl REGEXP command to see if the email variable
# has the following form:  1 or more ASCII characters (.+) followed
# by the "at sign" (@) then 1 or more ASCII characters (.+)
# followed by at least one period (\.) then 1 or more ASCII characters (.+)
if { ![regexp {.+@.+\..+} $email] } {
    # the REGEXP didn't match
    ns_return 200 text/plain "Your email address doesn't look right to
us.  We need your full Internet address ..."
    # RETURN terminates the AOLserver source.tcl command
    # so none of the code below this point will be executed
    # if the email address had an incorrect form
# if we got here, that means the email address was OK
if { $name == "" } {
    # the variable NAME was an empty string
    ns_return 200 text/plain "You didn't give us your name..."
    # this terminates the AOLserver source.tcl command

# Error checking complete; ready to do real work
# construct the SQL query using the versions of the form
# variables where apostrophes have already been doubled
# so that names like "O'Grady" don't cause SQL errors
set insert_sql "insert into mailing_list (email, name) 
                values ('$QQemail','$QQname')"

# we execute the insert inside the Tcl function CATCH
# if the database raises an SQL error, the AOLserver API
# call ns_db dml will raise a Tcl error that would result
# in a "Server Error" page being returned to the user.  We
# don't want that, so we catch the error ourselves and return
# a more specific message
if [catch { ns_db dml $db $insert_sql } errmsg] {
        # the insert went wrong; the error description
        # will be in the Tcl variable ERRMSG
        ns_return 200 text/plain "The database didn't accept your
insert, most likely because your email address is already on
the mailing list..."
} else { 
   # the insert went fine; no error was raised
   ns_return 200 text/html "<html><head><title>$email Added</title>
<body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>
<h2>$email Added</h2>
You have been added to the <a href=/index.html>www.greedy.com</a>
mailing list.

I was feeling pretty good about the code above until Jeff Friedl, author of the superb book Mastering Regular Expressions (O'Reilly 1997), pointed out that "philg @mit.edu" or "5 @ $1.95" would slip through my caveman regexp. If I didn't want to adopt the three-page regexp in Appendix B of his book then at least I could do "^\[^@\t ]+@\[^@.\t]+(\.\[^@.\n ]+)+$"

The AOLserver Tcl script to process the "remove me" form is much simpler.


# now email and QQemail are set as local variables

# ask for a database connection
set db [ns_db gethandle]

# note that the dual calls to the SQL UPPER function
# ensure that the removal will be case insensitive
set delete_sql "delete from mailing_list 
                where upper(email) = upper('$QQemail')"

# execute the delete statement in the database
ns_db dml $db $delete_sql

# call the special AOLserver API call ns_ora resultrows
# to find out how many rows were affected by the delete
if { [ns_ora resultrows $db] == 0 } {
    # 0 rows were affected
    ns_return 200 text/plain "We could not find <code>\"$email\"</code> on the mailing list ..."
} else { 
  # the delete affected at least one row so removal must
  # have been successful
  ns_return $conn 200 text/html "<html><head><title>$email Removed</title>
<body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>
<h2>$email Removed</h2>
You have been removed from the <a href=/index.html>www.greedy.com</a>
mailing list.

Case 2: The Mailing List

"Mailing List"? This sounds vaguely like Case 1. It is. Vaguely. It turns out that you need mailing lists for four other services that you offer. Also, 10 of your friends want to run mailing lists for their sites. You'd be happy to give them your code, but you know that they aren't willing to endure the pain of maintaining a relational database management system just for this one feature. They are grateful, but "Oh, while you're at it, would you mind allowing us also to store Snail Mail information?"

Can you make the code generic? You just need an extra table to store information about each of your and your friends' services.

create table spam_domains (
	domain		varchar(100) primary key,
	backlink	varchar(200),	-- a URL pointing back to the user's static site
	backlink_title	varchar(100),	-- what to say for the link back
	blather		varchar(4000),	-- arbitrary HTML text that goes at the top of the page
	challenge	varchar(200) default 'Your mother''s maiden name',
	response	varchar(50),
	maintainer_name		varchar(100),
	maintainer_email	varchar(100),
	-- send email when a person adds himself?
	notify_of_additions_p	char(1) default 't' check (notify_of_additions_p in ('f','t')),
	-- booleans to decide which information will be collected; name & email are always done
	title_and_company_p	char(1) default 'f' check (title_and_company_p in ('f','t')),
	snail_mail_p		char(1) default 'f' check (snail_mail_p in ('f','t')),
	demographics_p		char(1) default 'f' check (demographics_p in ('f','t')),
	-- people who are distributing software, for example, want the
	-- post-add-me page to give download instructions, if NULL, we just
	-- cough up the usual text
	custom_confirm_after_add_me	varchar(4000),
	-- if they are storing extra columns then the next item will non-NULL
	extra_columns_table_name	varchar(100)
Each domain is identified with a string, e.g., "photonet" for the magazine photo.net. Then you store the URL, "http://www.photo.net/photo/" in the backlink column and the title, "photo.net" in backlink_title. You provide a space for some descriptive HTML for the top of the "add me" form, e.g., "You will get mail once every month describing new articles in photo.net".

Rather than a password, which your friends might forget and then bug you to manually retrieve from the database, you store a challenge question of their choice, e.g., "mother's maiden name", and their response.

You keep track, per domain, of the name and email address of the list maintainer. If the notify_of_additions_p column is set to true then your "add me" script will send email to the maintainer when someone new adds himself to the list. You keep track of how much data is to be solicited in the Boolean columns such as snail_mail_p (the "add me" form will ask for postal mail address). For publishers who are using the system to collect registration info before offering software to download, you provide the custom_confirm_after_add_me column. Those folks might want to solicit information that you never anticipated, such as operating_system so you build into the system the ability for forms and reports to have extra columns, stored in a separate table. That table's name is kept in a domain's extra_columns_table_name column.

Once the new spam_domains table is defined, you need to beef up the mailing list table as well. It would be possible to build this system so that it defined a separate table for each new domain, but I think it is cleaner to add a domain column to the mailing list table as long as we're adding all the extra columns for physical mail and demographics:

create table spam_list (
	domain		varchar(100) not null references spam_domains,
	email		varchar(100) not null,
	name		varchar(100),
	-- info for 'snail_too'
	title		varchar(100),
	company_name	varchar(100),
	line1		varchar(100),
	line2		varchar(100),
	city		varchar(50),
	state		varchar(50),
	postal_code	varchar(20),
	country		char(2),	-- ISO country code
	phone_number	varchar(20),
	-- info for snail_plus_demographics
	birthday	date,
	sex		char(1) check(sex in ('m','f')),
	primary key( domain, email )
Note that you have to remove the primary key constraint on the email column. There is no reason why "philg@mit.edu" can't be in the mailing list table 10 times, each time for a different domain. However, you don't want "philg@mit.edu" on the photo.net list 10 times. Thus the primary key( domain, email ) constraint at the end of the table definition.

How does all this work? If you visit http://www.greenspun.com, you can see the whole system in action. Here's an example of how the add-me.html form has been replaced by a Tcl procedure:


# QQdomain

set db [ns_db gethandle]

set selection [ns_db 1row $db "select * 
                               from spam_domains 
                               where domain='$QQdomain'"]

set form_fields "<tr><td>Name<td><input name=name type=text size=35>
<tr><td>email<td><input name=email type=text size=35>"

if { $title_and_company_p == "t" } {
    append form_fields "<tr><td>Title<td><input name=title type=text size=35>
<tr><td>Company Name<td><input name=company_name type=text size=35>"

if { $snail_mail_p == "t" } {
    append form_fields "<tr><td>Address Line 1<td><input name=line1 type=text size=35>
<tr><td>Address Line 2<td><input name=line2 type=text size=35>
<tr><td>City, State, Postal Code<td><input name=city type=text size=12>
<input name=state type=text size=6>
<input name=postal_code type=text size=8>
<tr><td>Country<td><input name=country type=text size=3 limit=2> (ISO Code, e.g., \"us\", \"fr\", \"ca\", \"au\", etc.)
<tr><td>Phone Number<td><input name=phone_number type=text size=20>"

if { $demographics_p == "t" } {
    append form_fields "<tr><td>Birthday<td><input name=birthday type=text size=12> (YYYY-MM-DD format must be exact)
<tr><td>Sex<td><input name=sex type=radio value=M CHECKED> Male
<input name=sex type=radio value=F> Female"

ns_return 200 text/html "<html>
<head><title>Add Yourself to the Mailing list</title></head>

<body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>
<h2>Add Yourself</h2>

to <a href=\"home.tcl?domain=[ns_urlencode $domain]\">the mailing list</a> 
for <a href=\"$backlink\">$backlink_title</a>



<form method=post action=add-2.tcl>
<input type=hidden name=domain value=\"$domain\">
<input type=submit value=Submit>

<address><a href=\"mailto:$maintainer_email\">$maintainer_name ($maintainer_email)</a></address>

Note how the final HTML page is strewn with values from the database, e.g., $maintainer_email, $backlink, and $backlink_title. Thus, it looks to all intents and purposes like it is part of your friend's service and you won't be getting e-mail from the confused. See for an example.

Figure Caption: Here my mailing list system is being used by another Web publisher (billg40@tiac.net). If users looked carefully at the location box, they might notice that they were being bounced from www.tiac.net to www.greenspun.com after clicking the "join mailing list" link. Billg40 can keep his Secret Diary of Bill Gates at Tiac, where they don't run an RDBMS, and yet look just like a high-tech Web publisher with a staff of programmers and a database administrator.

Case 3: The Birthday Reminder System

Alex at 18 months A couple of years ago, Olin refused to give Alex (http://philip.greenspun.com/dogs/alex) a sample off of his plate at brunch. "You're just a dog, Alex," Olin said. We pressed Olin as to his reason for feeling superior to Alex. Olin thought for a few minutes all he could come up with was "I have a PhD and he doesn't."

Olin demonstrated the practical value of his Carnegie-Mellon computer science degree in 1994 by turning down Jim Clark's offer to become Employee number 3 at a little start-up called Mosaic Communications (grab http://www.netscape.com if you want to see how Jim and Company are doing now). Consequently, his resort to credentialism set off howls of laughter throughout the room.

"Let's see what value society places on your Ph.D., Dr. Shivers," I said. "We'll take both you and Alex to Harvard Square and hang signs around your necks. Alex's sign will read ‘Needs home.' Your sign will read ‘Needs home. Has Ph.D.' Which one of you do you think will have to sit out there longer?"

"Nooooo contest," opined Olin's girlfriend.

Alex with some kids on a Washington State Ferry Anyway, Olin clung to his belief that his Ph.D. was worth something despite the fact that the marketplace was crushing him under a burden of poverty to correspond to his burden of ignorance of how to build an RDBMS-backed Web service.

I kept offering to show Olin but he was too busy writing papers for academic journals that even he didn't bother reading. We began to joke that Olin was "afraid to be rich." Then one night Olin came over to my house and said "Let's jack into this World Wide Cybernet thing."

We sat down to build a toy AOLserver/RDBMS-backed birthday reminder system. Sure there are plenty of fancy calendar management systems that incorporate one-time events, recurring events, and reminders. But most of these calendar management programs require you to maintain them on a Macintosh or Windows machine. If you switch from computer to computer then they don't do you much good. We all read our e-mail no matter where we are, so why not build a system that feeds reminders into our e-mailbox? Again, it turns out that there are Web-based calendar management systems that will do just that. But these programs are very complicated. I don't have a job. I don't make appointments. I don't plan in advance. I don't want to invest in learning and using a calendar management program. I just want an email message a week before my friend's birthday so that I can send him a card.

Olin and I sat down at 9:00 pm to build RemindMe. We were finished by midnight. Then we showed the text-only system to Ulla Zang (http://www.ullazang.com) and asked her to do a spiffy graphic design. Now we have a nice public service to offer.

Step 1: The data model

Note: The syntax is now for the Oracle 8 RDBMS, thanks to a noble conversion effort by our partner Tracy Adams.

-- this table has one row for each person using the system
-- the PRIMARY KEY constraint says that there can't be two
-- rows with the same value in the EMAIL column

create table bday_users (
	email		varchar(100) primary key,
	password	varchar(100) not null

create sequence reminder_id_sequence start with 1;

create table bday_reminders (
	reminder_id		integer primary key,
	email			varchar(100) references bday_users,
	event_description	varchar(400),
	event_date		date,
	remind_week_before_p	char(1) check (remind_week_before_p in ('t','f')),
	remind_day_before_p	char(1) check (remind_day_before_p in ('t','f')),
	remind_day_of_p		char(1) check (remind_day_of_p in ('t','f')),
	last_reminded		date

create index bday_reminders_idx on bday_reminders(email);

The first item of interest in this data model is the integrity constraint that values in the email column of bday_reminders must correspond to values in the email column of bday_users. That's what references bday_users tells the database management system. After a row in bday_reminders is inserted or updated, the RDBMS will check to make sure that this integrity constraint is true. If not, the transaction will be aborted. Also, nobody will be able to delete a row from bday_users if any rows in bday_reminders still contain the same e-mail address.

Integrity constraints are critical if you have users typing data into a shell database tool. But here users will only be able to access the RDBMS through our Web pages. Why can't we just write our forms-processing software so that it never allows bad data into the database? Well, we can and we will. But unless you are the rare programmer who always writes perfect code, it is nice to have the RDBMS's integrity constraint system as a last line of defense.

Thomas Jefferson did not say "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." That's because he wasn't John Philpot Curran (Irish statesman who never set foot in the United States). Nor did Jefferson say "Eternal sluggishness is the price of integrity." That's because he wasn't an RDBMS programmer.

Step 2: Legal Transactions

You'd think that the most obvious legal transaction would be "add user to bday_users table." However, I decided to not make that one of the legal transactions. I don't want a table full of email addresses for people who aren't really using the system. Thus, it is only legal to add a user atomically with at least one reminder:
begin transaction;
insert into bday_users 
(email, password)
insert into bday_reminders 
(reminder_id, email, event_description, 
event_date, remind_week_before_p, remind_day_before_p, remind_day_of_p)
(reminder_id_sequence.nextval, 'philip@greenspun.com', 'remember to finish PhD',
'1993-06-01', 't', 't', 't');
end transaction;
This transaction inserts the user "philip@greenspun.com" with password "hairysamoyed" and an annual reminder to finish his PhD by June 1st (starting from 1993 when he got his master's). Reminders will be sent a week before, a day before, and the day of. Note that each reminder is assigned a unique reminder_id using the non-standard (but very useful) Oracle sequence generator.

Suppose the user doesn't want to be reminded the day of? That's another legal transaction:

update bday_reminders 
set remind_day_of_p = 'f'
where reminder_id = 5347

A reminder system with only one reminder isn't anything to write home about. We ought to be able to add new events:

insert into bday_reminders
(reminder_id, email, event_description, 
event_date, remind_week_before_p, remind_day_before_p, remind_day_of_p)
(reminder_id_sequence.nextval, 'philip@greenspun.com',
'Wash dog whether he needs it or not',
A week before December 1st, I'll be reminded to buy shampoo for my Samoyed (he usually requires an entire bottle). I disabled the day before reminder so that's "f". Then I'll be reminded on December 1st itself.

One last legal transaction: deleting a reminder. Suppose that I finish my PhD thesis (to which supposition my friends invariably respond "Suppose the sun falls out of the sky"):

delete from bday_reminders where reminder_id = 5347

Step 3: Mapping Transactions onto Web Forms

My general philosophy is to have as few pages as possible. This keeps the user interface simple. Here is the interaction flow for the RemindMe system:

Oftentimes, the system uses redirects to pages that reflect current status rather than separate confirmation pages. For example, after a user disables a "week before" alert, there is no confirmation page. Instead, after doing the database update, the Tcl script issues a 302 redirect back to the reminder summary page where the alert is shown to be disabled.

Figure ***: the text-only welcome page, built by me and Olin (no longer available)

Figure ***: (no longer available) the welcome page, designed by Ulla Zang; we saved a lot of time and heartache by completing our interaction design with a text-only site before consulting a graphic designer. Ulla turns out to be one of the few graphic designers I've worked with who is also an excellent interaction designer. Nonetheless, by having finished the programming beforehand, we were able to use Ulla's time to maximum advantage.

Figure ***: the reminders summary page, core of the user interface. Olin and I weren't satisfied with this design but decided to dump the user interface issue onto Ulla.

Figure ***: Ulla's reminders summary page. Much bigger than our text-only version, but also much cleaner. We'll be able to take her simplifications and translate them back into the text-only site as well. [That's another advantage of doing a full text-only site first; you always have something to satisfy the 28.8 modem crowd even if your graphic designer goes wild with huge images.]

Step 4: Writing Code to Process Those Forms

Here is the .tcl page that summarizes a user's reminders (see the last two figures).


# email, password

set db [ns_db gethandle]
if { [database_to_tcl_string $db "select unique upper(password) from bday_users where upper(email) = upper('$QQemail')"] != [string toupper $password] } {
    ns_returnredirect "bad-password.tcl?email=[ns_urlencode $email]"

# if we got here it means that the password checked out OK
# we're going to use this a bunch of times so let's save some work
set emailpassword "email=[ns_urlencode $email]&password=[ns_urlencode $password]"

ns_write "HTTP/1.0 200 OK
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Pragma: no-cache

<title>Reminders for $email</title>

<body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>

for $email, held by <a href=\"credits.tcl\">RemindMe</a>



set selection [ns_db select $db "select bday_reminders.*, to_char(event_date,'Month DD, YYYY') as formatted_date, to_char(event_date,'MM') as event_month, to_char(event_date,'DD') as event_day
from bday_reminders 
where upper(email) = upper('$QQemail')
order by event_month, event_day"]

while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} {
    ns_write "<li>$event_description :  $formatted_date   
\[<a href=\"delete.tcl?reminder_id=$reminder_id&$emailpassword\">DELETE</a>\]

Remind me:  "

    # it would have been cleaner to think more and come up with
    # a general-purpose action.tcl function, but I think it is 
    # also OK to do what we've done, use a separate .tcl page for
    # each kind of action
    # for each reminder, we test to see if it is already set,
    # then present an appropriate current status hyperlinked to
    # a URL that will toggle the state of that reminder
    if { $remind_week_before_p == "t" } {
	ns_write "\[Week before: <a href=\"week-before-off.tcl?reminder_id=$reminder_id&$emailpassword\">yes</a>\]  " } else {
	ns_write "\[Week before: <a href=\"week-before-on.tcl?reminder_id=$reminder_id&$emailpassword\">no</a>\]  " }
    if { $remind_day_before_p == "t" } {
	ns_write "\[Day before: <a href=\"day-before-off.tcl?reminder_id=$reminder_id&$emailpassword\">yes</a>\]  " } else {
	ns_write "\[Day before: <a href=\"day-before-on.tcl?reminder_id=$reminder_id&$emailpassword\">no</a>\]  " }
    if { $remind_day_of_p == "t" } {
	ns_write "\[Day of: <a href=\"day-of-off.tcl?reminder_id=$reminder_id&$emailpassword\">yes</a>\]  " } else {
	ns_write "\[Day of: <a href=\"day-of-on.tcl?reminder_id=$reminder_id&$emailpassword\">no</a>\]  " }

    ns_write "\n<p>\n"


ns_write "


<a href=\"add-reminder.tcl?$emailpassword\">Add new reminder</a>

<a href=\"mailto:[bday_system_owner]\"><address>[bday_system_owner]</address></a>

Most of the interesting points about this procedure are documented in the comments above. The only thing worth stressing is that this is the meat of the user interface. The links from this page mostly just update the RDBMS and then redirect back to this page. For example, here's week-before-off.tcl:


# email, password, reminder_id

set db [ns_db gethandle]

# ... password check as in code above ... 

ns_db dml $db "update bday_reminders set remind_week_before_p = 'f' 
               where reminder_id = $reminder_id"

ns_returnredirect "domain-top.tcl?email=[ns_urlencode $email]&password=[ns_urlencode $password]"
This procedure just checks the password, updates the row in bday_reminders, then redirects back to the reminder summary page.

Step 5: Step 5?

Yes, there is a Step 5 for this system: making it work. If you are an Internet entrepreneur who has just raised $40 million for your WebJunkware System 2001 then Step 5 is optional. You only need a front end good enough to show to venture capitalists and then grab some screen shots for an initial public offering prospectus. If, however, you are a cringing little engineer whose ego is pathetically dependent upon producing a useful service, then you need to write a back end to send out reminders.

Almost all back ends require that a function be run every day at a set hour. I like to write my back end code using the same tools as the rest of the system. In the old days, I would write the nightly sweeper or whatever as a dynamic Web page. Then I'd use the Unix cron facility to run a shell script every night (the Windows NT equivalent is the At command). The shell script would call htget (a Perl script) to grab this dynamic Web page.

AOLserver, however, has a built-in cron-like function. I prefer to use it rather than an operating system facility because it means less system administration when moving a service from one physical computer to another. Also, my code is portable across operating systems and I won't need to install Perl scripts like htget.

It should be easy:

ns_schedule_daily 5 0 bday_sweep_all

This tells the AOLserver to run the function bday_sweep_all at 5:00 am every day.

The first and most obvious problem with this statement is that the server might be down at 5:00 am. If we are careful to define bday_sweep_all so that it won't send out duplicates, we can just schedule it for a bunch of times during the day:

ns_schedule_daily 5 0 bday_sweep_all
ns_schedule_daily 9 0 bday_sweep_all
ns_schedule_daily 13 0 bday_sweep_all

The second problem is an AOLserver bug (my opinion) or feature (Doug McKee's opinion; he's one of the server's authors): If these statements are executed multiple times, the function will be multiply scheduled. For example, if you put these schedule requests in the Tcl directory that gets sourced on server startup then re-initialize Tcl five times (to test changes in other code), you will find that bday_sweep_all is called six times at 5:00 am.

Here's my workaround:

ns_share -init {set bday_scheduled_p 0} bday_scheduled_p
if { !$bday_scheduled_p } {
    set bday_scheduled_p 1
    ns_schedule_daily -thread 5 0 bday_sweep_all
    ns_schedule_daily -thread 9 0 bday_sweep_all
    ns_schedule_daily -thread 13 0 bday_sweep_all
I say that the variable bday_scheduled_p is to be global among all the AOLserver threads and intialized to 0. If it has not been set to 1 yet (!$bday_scheduled_p), I schedule the sweep at 5:00 am, 9:00 am, and 1:00 pm. Then I set the flag to 1 so that subsequent loads of this Tcl file won't result in redundant scheduling.

All we have to do now is write the bday_sweep_all procedure. We can expect the algorithm to be more or less the same for all three reminder types, so we posit a basic bday_sweep procedure that takes the reminder type as an argument:

proc bday_sweep_all {} {
    bday_sweep "day_of"
    bday_sweep "day_before"
    bday_sweep "week_before"

Now we just have to write the sweeper per se:

proc bday_sweep {message_type} {
    # message_type can be "week_before", "day_before", "day_of"

    switch $message_type {
	week_before { set sql_clause "remind_week_before_p = 't'
and to_char(event_date,'MM') = to_char(sysdate + 7, 'MM' )
and to_char(event_date,'DD') = to_char(sysdate + 7, 'DD' )"
                      set subject_fragment "NEXT WEEK"
                      set body_fragment "next week"
	day_before { set sql_clause "remind_day_before_p = 't'
and to_char(event_date,'MM') = to_char (sysdate + 1, 'MM' )
and to_char(event_date,'DD') = to_char (sysdate + 1, 'DD' )"
                      set subject_fragment "TOMORROW"
                      set body_fragment "tomorrow"
	day_of { set sql_clause "remind_day_of_p = 't'
and to_char(event_date,'MM') = to_char (sysdate, 'MM' )
and to_char(event_date,'DD') = to_char (sysdate, 'DD' )"
                 set subject_fragment "TODAY"
                 set body_fragment "today"


    set db_connections [ns_db gethandle [philg_server_default_pool] 2]
    set db [lindex $db_connections 0]
    set db_sub [lindex $db_connections 1]

    set email_count 0
    set start_stamp [database_to_tcl_string $db "select to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from DUAL"]
    set selection [ns_db select $db "select reminder_id, bday_reminders.*, to_char(event_date,'Month') as formatted_month, to_char(event_date,'DD, YYYY') as formatted_dayyear
from bday_reminders 
where $sql_clause
and (trunc(last_reminded) <> trunc(sysdate)  or last_reminded is null)"]

    while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} {
	if [catch { ns_sendmail $email [bday_system_owner] "$event_description is $subject_fragment" "Reminder:

$event_description ([string trim $formatted_month] $formatted_dayyear)

is $body_fragment.

This message brought to you by [bday_system_name].

If you don't want to receive these reminders in the future,
just visit [bday_system_url].
    } errmsg] {
	# failed to send email
	ns_log Error "[bday_system_name] failed sending to $email: $errmsg"
    } else {
	# succeeded sending email, mark the row as reminded
	ns_db dml $db_sub "update bday_reminders 
set last_reminded = sysdate
where reminder_id = $reminder_id"
        incr email_count
  ns_db dml $db "insert into bday_log (message_type, message_count, start_stamp, end_stamp) 
('$message_type',$email_count, to_date('$start_stamp', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),sysdate)"
  # we call these directly because bday_sweep_all calls this fcn
  # three times in succession and otherwise NaviServer won't allow
  # the ns_db gethandle to go through
  ns_db releasehandle $db
  ns_db releasehandle $db_sub
An interesting highlight of this sweeping function is that we are reading from the same table that we're updating. Why don't these two activities conflict?

My Concurrency Question

Suppose I have two database connections open. Connection 1 eventually reaches the 2000th row, maybe one minute later. Does Connection 1 find that the FOOBAR column has the old value of 56 or the updated value of 15? And is this behavior required by the SQL standard?

Answer From My Friend Who Works at Oracle

Okay: When you execute a query, the first thing the kernel does is take note of the time you started the query. As the query progresses through the table, it will look at the SCN ("system change number") of each row, which indicates when it has last been updated. If it finds that the row was updated after the query began, the kernel goes to the rollback buffer to fetch the last value the row held before the query began. So in your example, Connection 1 will not see the update made by Connection 2 if the update is done after the query begins.

In fact, even after the query finishes and you start another, it still won't see the change...not until you explicitly commit the update. (I shouldn't say "explicitly" since closing the connection cleanly will also perform a commit.) But even if you commit while the query is running, it still won't get the new value. However, the next time you query, it will catch the change.

But wait, there's more. Let's say you don't do a "commit" in Connection 2, but you enter the same query as before, this time in Connection 2. While that's running, you also run the query in Connection 1. The results will differ. Why? Because the query running in Connection 2 knows you've made an update, and sees those SCNs rather than the ones stored in the permanent table structure. [Technically: before a commit, the results of a write operation are stored in the ITL (Interested Transaction Layer). A session has access to the portion of those results performed in that session only; these operations are "presumably committed" for the purposes of whatever you do in that session. It cannot, however, see anything in other sessions, which is why Connection 1 has no clue what you've done until you truly commit it.] This illustrates one of the challenges of concurrent programming with databases -- Lesson: Always commit your changes as soon as you know they're permanent. (Corollary: Always have frequent backups for those plentiful occasions when they weren't and aren't reversible.)

Regarding locks [a subject which I know for a fact varies among database vendors], Connection 1 will not lock the table, unless the person executing the query has explicitly done so beforehand by doing "select * from table_name for update". If so, it would be released after an explicit "commit" is typed, and Connection 2 would wait and/or time out while the lock is held.

Most likely, you would not want to lock an entire table for a query. The only reason I can dream of doing this is if: 1) you need to run a very long query (many hours), 2) there are tons of transactions going on simultaneously, 3) those transactions are less important than the query results, and 4) you have a very small amount of rollback space. Remember that point at which it finds a newer SCN and fetches the old value from the rollback? If the rollback doesn't go back far enough, the query errors out with an ORA-1555 : snapshot too old" error. So as long as the entire table isn't locked, and no other connections are locking the rows you need to update, connection 2 will do its update right away.

When Connection 2 does update, it will either lock the entire table or just the row it is trying to update, depending on the database's system and session parameters, e.g. if something like "ROW_LOCKING=ALWAYS" is in your oracle.ini file. I think the default is to lock the table, but don't quote me on that (it would be silly if we did, since row locking is a big thing for Oracle.)

The question of yours regarding the SQL standard: That I don't know. I've never read the ANSI standards for SQL or SQL92, but I do not believe there are any rules regarding the behavior of concurrent sessions. If there is, though, I'm fairly confident we're doing what it says. (If we weren't, we'd be fixing it, and I've heard of no intentions to do so.)

My Conclusion

Thank God I don't have to write my own RDBMS.

Case 4: The Bulletin Board

The Internet is not starved for discussion software. The 20-year-old USENET (Net News) system alone has more than 50,000 active forums. There are some shallow reasons why you might want to build a database-backed bboard system: The deep reason to run a db-backed bboard system is that the users table in your RDBMS is your lifeblood. Level and nature of activity in discussion groups are two of the most important things that you can ask about a Web community member. You want to be able to ask "show me users who've submitted questions that were deleted by the moderator as redundant" (so that you can have the server welcome them back with a page explaining how to search and browse archived threads). You want to be able to ask "show me users who've submitted answers that were deemed definitive by the moderators" (so that you can consider promoting them to co-moderator status). When Reader X is looking at Reader Y's comment on one of your static pages, he ought to be able to say "Please show me Reader Y's history as a community member" and see forum contributions.

The Nuts and Bolts (not)

I covered the nuts and bolts of building a threaded discussion group system in Chapter 13 of my last book ( http://www.photo.net/wtr/dead-trees/53013.htm) and I gave away the source code for my initial implementation from http://demo.webho.com. Thus, rather than talk about how to use a computed sort key to cut the O[n^3] operation of organizing into threads down to O[n log n], I'll devote this chapter to some lessons I've learned more recently.

Microsoft Helps Defend Against Bozos

One of my motivations for building the fancy software described in the community chapter was the difficulty of moderating the Q&A forum for photo.net. With about 10,000 participants, deleting duplicate postings and uninteresting threads was time-consuming but bearable. One day in 1997, Martin Tai showed up. He contributed some useful information about black and white film development and the Minox spy cameras. He also added some eyebrow-raising statements such as that a print from a Minox was as good as that from a 4x5 inch view camera in 8x10 inch enlargements. Since a Minox negative is less than one tenth the area of a standard 35mm negative, which is in turn laughably poor quality compared to what you get out of a view camera, this generated some skepticism. Martin pointed to some Web sites displaying Minox photos that allegedly proved his point, but to my eyes you could clearly see the failure in lens and film resolution right on screen.

Personally I didn't mind having Martin as a community member despite his eccentric belief in the quality of the Minox's 8x11mm negatives. However, he'd apparently previously annoyed folks in rec.photo.* (USENET) exchanges and even the slightest error on Martin's part provoked a volley of vitriolic responses from other photo.net readers. Every day I'd have to go in and clear out 50 postings plus respond to private e-mail complaints.

My forums at the time were backed by the Illustra relational database management system, the child of some self-professed computer science geniuses at UC Berkeley. They spent a lot of time writing papers for academic journals about how stupid the engineers at Oracle were. Indeed, Illustra did quite a few things that Oracle could not. For one user at a time. If you wanted to update an Illustra row, you had to wait for all the readers to stop reading. If you wanted to read from an Illustra row, you had to wait for all the writers to stop writing. The bottom line was that, as soon as you had more than one person using Illustra, the system tended to deadlock. Under the best of circumstances, users posting to the forum would get a page saying

please wait while we try to insert your message ..... message
Under heavy usage, the users would see
please wait while we try to insert your message .. 

*** 60 second pause *** ... 

deadlock, transaction aborted.  

Please hit Reload in five or ten minutes.

I felt humiliated by the situation but for a variety of annoying reasons, it was taking me months to move my services to Oracle. Then it hit me: Sometimes a system that is 95 percent reliable is better than a system that is 100 percent reliable. If Martin was accustomed to seeing the system fail 5 percent of the time, he wouldn't be suspicious if it started failing all of the time. So I reprogrammed my application to look for the presence of "Martin Tai" in the name or message body fields of a posting. Then Martin, or anyone wanting to flame him, would get a program that did

ns_write "please wait while we try to insert your message ..."
ns_sleep 60
ns_write "... deadlock, transaction aborted.  Please hit Reload
          in five or ten minutes."  

The result? Martin got frustrated and went away. Since I'd never served him a "you've been shut out of this community" message, he didn't get angry with me. Presumably inured by Microsoft to a world in which computers seldom work as advertised, he just assumed that photo.net traffic had grown enough to completely tip Illustra over into continuous deadlock.

I've used this trick a few more times in the photo.net forums with users who wouldn't take gentle suggestions from the moderators. Even though I've subsequently converted to Oracle, so that message insertion is 100 percent reliable and takes one-tenth of a second, no user has ever suspected foul play when presented with a "database error" page.

The general rule to be extracted here is to take advantage of the world that Microsoft has created. Don't tell users that you hate them. Just program your server so that it can pretend to be broken.

Case 5: Brutal Truth Industries

I wish that I could say it was my passion for distributing knowledge that inspired me to construct on-line quiz software. However, the truth is more complex. In fact, it is sometimes brutal. In The Game, at http://philip.greenspun.com/dating/, the truth is always brutal.

Conceived as an extension of my systematic five-year Web-based program to demonstrate the futility of graduate school in science and engineering (http://philip.greenspun.com/careers/), The Game puts the user in a heterosexual dating situation:


The human user is asked a series of questions by the database-driven date. Depending on the answer, the user's score goes up or down and the date becomes more or less friendly. The date's level of friendliness is indicated visually by a photograph.

What are the challenges in building software like this? There is the obvious one of making it easy to add quizzes merely by adding rows to relational database tables. A more interesting challenge is presented by the fact that the Web is inherently stateless. Users expect to be able to back up or reload at any time. However, they shouldn't thereby be able to improve their score. There are probably clever cryptographic ways to accomplish this. But if I paid $100,000 for an Oracle license, I shouldn't have to be clever. So this software, which we call ArsDigita Quizze, keeps updating a row in the database with the quiz-taker's history.

Here are the central features of ArsDigita Quizze:

I'll sketch out some of the more important items below.

The Data Model

The trickiest part of this data model is the linking. Each quiz points to its first question. Each question points to the next question in a given quiz as well as back to the quiz of which it is a part.
create table quizzes (
	quiz_id			integer primary key,
	title			varchar(100),
	first_question_id 	integer not null,
	min_image_number	integer,
	max_image_number	integer,
	-- the sum of all the plays 
	total_score	        integer default 0,
	-- how many plays (so we can compute the average)
	total_trials		integer default 0

create table questions (
	question_id		integer not null primary key,
	-- this will be NULL for the last question
	next_question_id	integer references questions,
	quiz_id			integer not null references quizzes,
	preamble		varchar(4000),
	text			varchar(4000) not null
Answers point only to questions:
create table answers (
	answer_id 	integer primary key,
	question_id	integer not null references questions,
	text		varchar(4000) not null,
	score_delta	number not null,
	responses	integer default 0
Note that each answer contains a score_delta column to indicate how much the player's score should be adjusted in the event that it is chosen, plus a responses column for tallying the number of players who've chosen it.

Each play of the game gets a row in the players table. The same person playing four times results in four row insertions. Note that we're using the Oracle sequence generator to create unique player_id values.

create sequence player_id_sequence;

create table players (
	player_id		integer not null primary key,
	start_time		date,
	quiz_id			integer not null references quizzes,
	questions_answered	varchar(4000),
	score			number default 15
The interesting column here is questions_answered. We keep a space-separated list of all the question_ids that the user has answered, e.g., "23 45 67 81". This facilitates checking for already-answered question in Tcl, which stores lists as space-separated tokens in a string.

The New Player

Once a user chooses to play a particular quiz (in our case by clicking on the photo of the preferred date), the start.tcl page is invoked with an argument of quiz_id:

# quiz_id is now defined

set db [ns_db gethandle]

set player_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select player_id_sequence.nextval from dual"]

ns_db dml $db "insert into players (player_id, start_time, quiz_id) 
($player_id, sysdate, $quiz_id)"

ns_write "HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Location: question.tcl
MIME-Version: 1.0
Set-Cookie:  player_id=expired; path=/; expires=Fri, 01-Jan-1990 01:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie:  player_id=$player_id; path=/;

You should not be seeing this!
The first thing to note is that we go to Oracle to get the next player_id value before doing the INSERT. We do this because the Tcl script needs to have the value to put into the Set-Cookie header. The next thing to note is that this page isn't intended to be read by the user; it issues a 302 Redirect instructing the user's browser to visit question.tcl. AOLserver has a convenient ns_returnredirect API call that will write out a similar collection of bytes, but we also want to write the Set-Cookie headers. The first Set-Cookie instructs the browser to delete any previous player_id cookie value by giving an expiration date in the past (see http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html for where this is promulgated as the preferred method of deleting a cookie). The second Set-Cookie instructs the browser to send our server back a player_id header on every subsequent page request, regardless of where on the server the page is (path=/). Because we did not specify an expiration date, the cookie will expire when the user quits Netscape Navigator.

The blank lines after the last header are very important and part of the HTTP standard. Browsers are usually relaxed about such things, but Web proxies are not. If you terminate your script with the last header, you'll find that users behind corporate firewalls generally can't use your service. I try to remember to put in a couple of blank lines plus some text that I don't expect the user to see.

The New Answer

set_form_variables 0

# answer_id may or may not have been defined, depending on 
# whether this is the user's first question

set headers [ns_conn headers $conn]
set cookie [ns_set get $headers Cookie]
if { ![regexp {player_id=([^;]+)} $cookie {} player_id] } {
    ns_return 200 text/html "no cookie :-( "

# we have player_id from the cookie header

set db [ns_db gethandle]

set selection [ns_db 0or1row $db "select * from players where player_id = $player_id"]

if { $selection == "" } {
    ns_return 200 text/html "no entry in the RDBMS :-( "

# we have a row from the database, now turn the columns into Tcl local
# variables


# going to use quiz_id, questions_answered, score

# process answer to previous question

set reanswering_note ""

if { [info exists answer_id] } {
    # we only know the answer_id; we have to ask Oracle to
    # which question this answer corresponds
    set selection [ns_db 1row $db "select question_id as corresponding_question_id, score_delta from answers where answer_id = $answer_id"]
    if { [lsearch $questions_answered $corresponding_question_id] == -1 } {
	# the current question is not among those previously answered
	set current_score [expr $score + $score_delta]
	# record the question as answered by this player
	ns_db dml $db "update players 
set questions_answered = '[lappend questions_answered $corresponding_question_id]',
score = $current_score
where player_id = $player_id"
	# update the statistical tally for this answer
        ns_db dml $db "update answers set responses = responses + 1 where answer_id = $answer_id"
        set next_question_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select next_question_id from questions where question_id = $corresponding_question_id"]
   } else {
       # re-answering a question
       set next_question_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select next_question_id from questions where question_id = $corresponding_question_id"]
       set current_score $score
       set reanswering_note "<p>(not updated because you already answered the previous question)"
} else {
    # not answering a question (presumably this is the first iteration)
    # set score according to what was in the database (presumably the
    # default value of 15)
    set current_score $score
    if { $questions_answered == "" } {
	# we're on the very first question
	set next_question_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select first_question_id from quizzes where quiz_id = $quiz_id"]
    } else {
	# we will only get to this code if the user backs up to the very
	# first question.tcl (with no form vars)
	set last_question_id [lindex $questions_answered [expr [llength $questions_answered]-1]]
	set next_question_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select next_question_id from questions where question_id = $last_question_id"]

if { $next_question_id == "" } {
    # there are no more questions and we've recorded their
    # answer and updated their score, so redirect them to the 
    # "thanks for playing" page
    ns_returnredirect final-score.tcl?reason=no_more_questions

# prepare to display the next question, finding it in the database
# by using the next_question_id that we previously looked up
# we have to JOIN with the quizzes table in order to get the minimum 
# and maximum image numbers.  Logically this should simply be a separate
# query (to the quiz table alone) but realistically it is much faster to
# only go to the Oracle kernel once. 

set selection [ns_db 1row $db "select preamble, text as question_text, min_image_number, max_image_number
from questions, quizzes
where question_id = $next_question_id
and questions.quiz_id = quizzes.quiz_id"]

# we know the max possible score now, so let's check to see if this
# guy should be bounced

if { $current_score >= $max_image_number } {
    ns_returnredirect final-score.tcl?reason=player_won

# we assume that we have integer images in the /images/**quiz_id**/ dir named
# 0.2.jpg through 30.2.jpg (these will be the 2nd PhotoCD resolution, 
# i.e, 256x384

# each image will be a hyperlink to bigger.tcl?quiz_id=n&image_number=m
# the bigger.tcl file will display the .3 PhotoCD res and offer a hyperlink
# to the .4 res.

# < min we round up to min; > max and they should not have gotten here
# (if statement above) but we handle the case anyway so we don't ever
# risk showing a broken image icon

set image_number [expr round($current_score)]
if { $image_number < $min_image_number } {
    set image_number $min_image_number
if { $image_number > $max_image_number } {
    set image_number $max_image_number

if { $preamble == "" } {
    set full_blurb $question_text
} else {
    set full_blurb "$preamble\n<br><br>\n$question_text"

# return standard HTTP 200 headers but with a no-cache directive 
# so that the user's browser doesn't just pull a page from its
# cache (with an old score) if he goes back

ns_write "HTTP/1.0 200 OK
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
pragma: no-cache


<body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>


<a target=bigpicture href=\"bigger.tcl?quiz_id=$quiz_id&image_number=$image_number\">
<img border=0 src=\"images/$quiz_id/$image_number.2.jpg\">






# note that we wrote all the stuff above so that the user would have 
# something to look at before we hit Oracle again (to get all the 
# possible answers)

set selection [ns_db select $db "select answer_id, text as answer_text
from answers 
where question_id = $next_question_id"]

while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } {
    ns_write "<p><li><a href=\"question.tcl?answer_id=$answer_id\">$answer_text</a>\n"

ns_write "



<h3>Your current score:  $current_score</h3>




<a href=index.tcl>The Game</a>

Nearly all of the interesting ideas in the above script are covered in the comments. Note, however, that we never put the answer score_delta's in hidden variables in the outgoing page. The scoring of the quiz remains secret from users who "view source" with their browsers. Another thing to observe is the extent to which we are hammering Oracle. On an average page load we
  1. query to get the player's history,
  2. query to get the question_id to which this answer corresponds
  3. update the player's history
  4. update the answer's stats
  5. query to get the next question text
  6. query to get the answers to the next question
Yet pages from the quiz server load just about as fast as static HTML pages! The code is currently simple enough to understand and believe in. I'm disinclined to strive to reduce the amount of Oracle activity given that the server is so fast with the current load (10,000 games a month on a four-CPU server that is also handling 10 million requests per day from photo.net users).

Lesson: Write your code as cleanly as possible; use the database where elegant; optimize if the performance isn't adequate.


The real fun of a system like this is seeing what people pick. For example, with our installation of ArsDigita Quizze, Adriane and I have established that 17 percent of the men on the Internet think that when a woman asks "If I gained 10 lbs would you still find me attractive?" the correct response is "If you went to the beach, I bet little kids would shout out 'Free Willy'" (see ).

How is this done? First we query the quizzes table to find the first question's id:

select title, first_question_id 
from quizzes 
where quiz_id = $quiz_id;
Then we use the magic Oracle CONNECT BY clause to pull out the linked list of questions in one query:
select question_id, text as question_text
from questions  
where quiz_id = $quiz_id
start with question_id = $first_question_id
connect by question_id = PRIOR next_question_id
In order to do the percentage math in SQL rather than Tcl, we have to first query the answers table to get the total responses to a particular question:
select sum(responses) as total_responses
from answers
where question_id = $question_id
Now we can grab the rows that you see in the report:
select text as answer_text, responses, score_delta, 
       round((responses/$total_responses)*100) as percentage
from answers 
where question_id = $question_id
We will be doing the last two queries for every question.

Note that CONNECT BY is not part of standard SQL and that to make it run fast on a large table, you will need to create two concatenated indices:

create index questions_idx1 on questions(question_id,next_question_id);
create index questions_idx2 on questions(next_question_id,question_id);
See Oracle 8: The Complete Reference (Koch and Loney 1997; Osborne) for more detail on CONNECT BY. If you're not using Oracle, check under "tree extensions" to see what your RDBMS vendor has provided.

Adriane's Mom

We got a fair amount of feedback on the pictures and the text of the questions and answers. But our favorite came from Adriane's Mom: "You are going to get arrested."

Oh yes, the name. We took the name "Brutal Truth Industries" from the inspired Cement Cuddlers piece reprinted at http://philip.greenspun.com/humor/cement-cuddlers.

Case 6: Uptime

Spherical candle holder in church in Gamla Stan in central Stockholm For those cases where the cure is worse than the disease, my friends and I built the Uptime service (now defunct). Users type in their email address and a URL. The Uptime server tries to grab the URL every 15 or 20 minutes and sends them email if their server doesn't return "success".

It sounds absurdly simple but after a few minutes you realize that there are some tough challenges:

Let's start by looking at the data model:
create table uptime_urls (
	monitor_id	integer not null primary key,
	url		varchar(200) not null,
	name		varchar(100) not null,
	email		varchar(100) not null,
	password	varchar(30) not null,
	homepage_url	varchar(200),
	first_monitored	date,
	-- the following are for people who have beepers
	-- and need a special tag or something in the subject
	custom_subject	varchar(4000),
	custom_body	varchar(4000),
	-- we always send email when the server is down, we can
	-- also send email when the server comes back up
	notification_mode	varchar(30), 	-- 'down_then_up', 'periodic'
	-- these two are only used when notification_mode is 'periodic'
	notification_interval_hours	integer default 2,
	last_notification	date,
	-- if this is NULL, it means that we've sent a BACK UP notification
	time_when_first_unreachable	date,

create table uptime_log (
	monitor_id		not null references uptime_urls,
	event_time		date,
	event_description	varchar(100)

create index uptime_log_idx on uptime_log (monitor_id);
Remarkably simple, eh? Note that a server's reachableness is entirely encapsulated in the time_when_first_unreachable column. We set this to sysdate when we notice that a site is newly unreachable. We set this to NULL when we are able to successfully grab the URL again. Note that for periodic notification, the state of our having notified a user is entirely encapsulated in the last_notification column. Note finally that the uptime_log table has no primary key. Events are merely logged with the expectation that they will never be deleted or updated. In order to make reporting for a particular URL fast, we define an index on the table by monitor_id.

The first challenge in building a free service is designing forms that are self-explanatory and yet powerful enough to let users take advantage of all the system's capabilities. See ***link no longer available*** for what I think is a successful form (about 500 people have registered to use the service and hardly anyone has sent email to clear up confusion). Basically the goal is to quickly separate those who are having e-mail sent to a pager from those who are receiving e-mail personally. The pager crowd can later edit their monitor to add a custom subject or body.

Privacy has presented an interesting dilemma. If my server is down all of the time, do I want the rest of the world to know? Probably not. But what if I have good uptime and want to prove it to skeptics? Then I want to be able to direct these skeptics to a trusted source (i.e., Uptime) and let them see the record for themselves. Although we still use the password to authenticate people who want to delete or edit monitors, I decided to make Uptime event records public. Why? Anyone on the Internet can monitor an arbitrary URL. Hence there is no practical way for a site to hide its downtime. For example, joe_nerd@stanford.edu can spent five minutes with AOLserver or Web Client Programming (Wong 1997; O'Reilly) to build a monitor for http://www.ai.mit.edu and then release the results.

With this kind of openness, what kinds of users has the system attracted? My favorite is Online Privacy (http://www.privacy.nb.ca/), "a non-profit group of computer professionals who intend to educate and help the general public preserve their personal privacy while online".

Scanning the rest of the list, I'm gratified to see that, after more than one year of operation, only one of ArsDigita's customers has signed up to monitor a site that we built! Also, though I built Uptime with the expectation that sysadmins would be the primary users, as of July 12, 1998 six GeoCities "customers" are using my service. I'm not really sure what they do if Uptime reports that their site is unreachable. Do they complain to GeoCities that they aren't getting their money's worth?

I'd expected most of the folks using Uptime to be operators of complex database-backed Web services. Thus the URL being monitored would be some kind of script that tried to connect to the RDBMS and would report "success" if everything was fine. In fact, as I scan through ***link no longer available***, I note that many of the URLs monitored are plain vanilla .txt files (this is true even for the big companies using the service, e.g., ARCO, LSI Logic, Metropolitan Opera, MGM, Seagate, and the United Way).

How does it work (the big picture)

# tell AOLserver to run uptime_monitor_once every 20 minutes
# the -thread option instructs AOLserver to spawn a new thread 
# for this procedure, i.e., that the procedure probably won't
# return quickly
ns_schedule_proc -thread 1200 uptime_monitor_once

# tell AOLserver to run uptime_monitor_stale every night at 11:45
ns_schedule_daily -thread 23 45 uptime_monitor_stale

proc uptime_monitor_once {} {
    set db [ns_db gethandle]
    set monitor_ids [database_to_tcl_list $db "select monitor_id
from uptime_urls
where uptime_stale_p(time_when_first_unreachable) = 'f'"]
    ns_log Notice "Uptime starting to test [llength $monitor_ids] URLs"
    uptime_monitor_list_of_ids $db $monitor_ids
    ns_log Notice "Uptime finished sweeping."

proc uptime_monitor_stale {} {
    set db [ns_db gethandle]
    set monitor_ids [database_to_tcl_list $db "select monitor_id
from uptime_urls
where uptime_stale_p(time_when_first_unreachable) = 't'"]
    ns_log Notice "Uptime working on the stale URLs ([llength $monitor_ids] of them)"
    uptime_monitor_list_of_ids $db $monitor_ids
    ns_log Notice "Uptime finished with the stale URLs."
Note that these procedures both rely on uptime_monitor_list_of_ids to do all the real work, passing it a database connection and a list of keys into the uptime_urls table. Note further that both write something into the AOLserver error log when they start and stop. This makes it easy to look at the log and find out how long sweeps are taking.

The use of uptime_stale_p bears some explaining. This is a PL/SQL function that takes in a date and returns true or false (Oracle lacks the Boolean data type hence these are presented by the letters "t" and "f"). The concept of a URL having gone stale is sufficiently fundamental to the system that I wanted to make sure it was consistent across all the monitoring scripts, reporting scripts, etc. In fact, it would have been easier to simply include

where time_when_first_unreachable is null 
or time_when_first_unreachable > (sysdate - 10)
in the query than put
create or replace function uptime_stale_p (time_when_first_unreachable IN date) return varchar
	IF time_when_first_unreachable is null THEN 
            return 'f';
        ELSIF time_when_first_unreachable > (sysdate - 10) THEN
            return 'f';
	    return 't';
in the data-model.sql file. However, I personally get a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that all of my Tcl scripts will rely on this procedure to determine staleness (in this case we've set it for 10 days).

What's under the hood of that uptime_monitor_list_of_ids procedure?

proc uptime_monitor_list_of_ids {db monitor_ids} {
    foreach monitor_id $monitor_ids {
	set selection [ns_db 0or1row $db "SELECT uu.*,
to_char(time_when_first_unreachable,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as
to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as full_sysdate,
round((sysdate - time_when_first_unreachable)*60*24) as n_minutes_downtime
FROM uptime_urls uu
WHERE monitor_id = $monitor_id"]
        if { $selection == "" } {
	    # this row got deleted from the database while we were
	    # running our script; this presumably 
	    # happens very rarely (user chooses to delete his monitor) 
	    # but we must handle it for cleanliness
	    # jump to next iteration
	# there was a row in the database
	# now url, email, a bunch of other stuff are set
	ns_log Notice "Uptime testing $url for $email ..."
	# we do the ns_httpget inside a Tcl catch because we don't
	# want one URL that raises a Tcl error to make the sweep halt
	# for everyone else; ns_httpget wil raise an error when a server 
	# doesn't respond, when a URL is badly formed, e.g., "htttp" or 
	# "https" (doesn't handle SSL), etc.
	if [catch {set grabbed_text [ns_httpget $url]} errmsg] {
	    ns_log Notice "Uptime failed to reach $url"
	    set grabbed_text "GETURL failed"
	    # let's try once more before raising the alarm
	    if [catch {set grabbed_text [ns_httpget $url]} errmsg] {
		ns_log Notice "Uptime failed to reach $url (second attempt)"
		set grabbed_text "GETURL failed"
	} else {
	    ns_log Notice "Uptime grabbed something from $url"
	if { [regexp -nocase "success" $grabbed_text] } {
	    # we got it
	    if { $time_when_first_unreachable != "" } {
		# we have the URL on record as having been dead
		ns_db dml $db "update uptime_urls 
set time_when_first_unreachable = NULL 
where monitor_id = $monitor_id"
                ns_db dml $db "insert into uptime_log
(monitor_id, event_time, event_description)
($monitor_id, sysdate, 'back_up')"
                if { $notification_mode == "down_then_up" } {
		    ns_sendmail $email [uptime_system_owner] "$url back up" "$url returned \"success\".  

It was last reached by [uptime_system_name] at $full_unreachable_time ([uptime_system_timezone]).
Currently our Oracle database thinks it is $full_sysdate.
In other words, your server has been unreachable for approximately
$n_minutes_downtime minutes.

Does this mean your server was down?  No.  Our server could have lost ITS
network connection.  Or there could have been some problem on the 
wider Internet.

Does this mean your server was actually unreachable for all of those
minutes?  No.  We only sweep every 15 minutes or so
         } else {
	     # we did NOT successfully reach the URL (or the page we got
	     # back did not contain the word "success")
	     if { $time_when_first_unreachable == "" } {
		 # this is the first time we couldn't get it
		ns_db dml $db "update uptime_urls
 set time_when_first_unreachable = sysdate,
last_notification = sysdate
where monitor_id = $monitor_id"
                ns_db dml $db "insert into uptime_log
(monitor_id, event_time, event_description)
($monitor_id, sysdate, 'down')"
                set subject "$url is unreachable"
                set body "[uptime_system_name] cannot reach $url.  

You may want to check your server.

Does this mean that your server is down?  No.  But as of $full_sysdate
([uptime_system_timezone]), our server is having trouble reaching it.

Oh yes, if you are annoyed by this message and want to desubscribe
from [uptime_system_name], visit 


                if { ![string match $custom_subject ""] } {
		    set subject $custom_subject
                if { ![string match $custom_body ""] } {
		    set body $custom_body
                ns_sendmail $email [uptime_system_owner] $subject $body
	    } else {
		# site is unreachable, but we already knew that
		if { $notification_mode == "periodic" && [database_to_tcl_string $db "select count(*) 
from uptime_urls
where (last_notification + notification_interval_hours/24) < sysdate
and monitor_id=$monitor_id"] == 1 } {
		    # we are supposed to notify periodically and our time 
		    # has come
		    # update the database first so that we don't run wild
		    ns_db dml $db "update uptime_urls set last_notification = sysdate
where monitor_id=$monitor_id"
                    set subject "$url is unreachable"
                    set body "[uptime_system_name] cannot reach $url.  

You may want to check your server.

Oh yes, if you are annoyed by this message and want to desubscribe
to [uptime_system_name], visit 

                    if { ![string match $custom_subject ""] } {
			set subject $custom_subject
		    if { ![string match $custom_body ""] } {
			set body $custom_body
		    ns_sendmail $email [uptime_system_owner] $subject $body


Is Uptime Up?

How do I know that Uptime itself is working? By having programmed AOLserver to send me email every night at 11:30 noting the number of events logged:
ns_schedule_daily -thread 23 30 uptime_notify_system_owner

proc uptime_notify_system_owner {} { 
    set db [ns_db gethandle] 
    set total_entries [database_to_tcl_string $db "select count(*)
from uptime_log
where trunc(event_time) = trunc(sysdate)"]
    ns_sendmail uptime@arsdigita.com uptime@arsdigita.com "Uptime sent $total_entries messages" ""
The one odd thing to note about this query is the use of trunc. In most Oracle installations, if you ask Oracle to print out the date, you'll get precision down to the day:
SQL> select sysdate from dual;

However, Oracle internally records precision down to the second. This makes naive comparisons fail:
create table test_dates ( 
       the_value    varchar(20),
       the_date	    date

insert into test_dates values ('happy',sysdate);
insert into test_dates values ('happy',sysdate);
insert into test_dates values ('joy',sysdate);
insert into test_dates values ('joy',sysdate);

*** brief pause ***

SQL> select * from test_dates where the_date = sysdate;

no rows selected
We didn't get any rows because none matched down to the second. Are we stuck? No. We can rely on the fact that Oracle stores dates as numbers:
SQL> select * from test_dates where trunc(the_date) = trunc(sysdate);

-------------------- ----------
happy		     1998-07-12
happy		     1998-07-12
joy		     1998-07-12
joy		     1998-07-12
An arguably cleaner approach is to use to_char:
select * from test_dates where to_char(the_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') = to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD');

Note: For more about Oracle and dating, see http://www.photo.net/wtr/oracle-tips.html.

What I learned about the Internet

Old fishing hamlet of Helgumannen.  Faro, Gotland. Sweden As of July 12, 1998, Uptime had 55,486 server-days of monitoring under its belt. It had observed 10,760 unreachability incidents that weren't corrected by the next sweep. So from a particular browser's point of view, the average Web site would appear to be unreachable 5.8 times a month.

What are the sources of these problems? If you scan through ***link no longer available*** network connectivity doesn't seem to be the overwhelming determining factor. The machines inside MIT Net (where the Uptime server resides) should be at the top of the list. Yet a little playing around with traceroute shows that the top machines are in Houston, Minnesota, New York, etc. Some of the most reliably reachable servers seem to be BBN Planet customers (MIT's ISP) but others require hops to other backbones.

ISP diligence seems to be a factor. Many of the best servers are operated by Mindspring, for example. It looks like even a diligent ISP cannot conquer technology, however. For example, my main static site seems to have suffered 1.6 outages per month. It relies only on HP-UX. But db.photo.net is down at 7.2 outages per month. It relies on Solaris, Illustra (for all of the monitored period), and Oracle 8 (for some of the monitored period).

The RDBMS seems to be implicated in many of the worst performing sites in the Uptime service. Nearly in last place are www.greenspun.com and lavsa.com, both hosted at America Online's Primehost facility. The folks at Primehost run the Illustra RDBMS and they stop answering tech support calls at 9:00 pm eastern time. This combination is apparently capable of producing between 27 and 35 outages a month.

After computing these statistics, I moved greenspun.com to MIT and an Oracle backend.

What I learned about operating an Internet service

Garden through window in Skansen in Stockholm As with my community software, the Achilles heel of a service like this is bouncing email. Without some kind of automated system for absorbing bounced notifications and eventually deleting those folks from the database of users, operating Uptime eventually will become a living hell for the maintainer (i.e., me and my friends). Looking around Yahoo I found that there are some commercial companies (e.g., http://www.netmechanic.com and http://www.redalert.com) offering Uptime-like services. They charge $10 to $20 a month. Now I know why! What I'd love to do is tell people that Uptime is a free service but take their credit card number on condition that I get to feed it into ArsDigita Shoppe (see the ecommerce chapter) if I'm forced to edit or delete their monitor.


Here's what you should have learned from reading this chapter: If you don't like staring at my software, you'll be pleased to learn that the next few chapters take us back to the tone and level of the beginning of the book.


or move on to Chapter 16: Better Living Through Chemistry

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