**** from http://directory.compuserve.com/Forums/TWCRIME/Conf.asp <% if member = 1 then %>
Conference Notice
CRIME FORUM~~~~~Conferences~~~~~
**WELCOME to the Crime Forum conference area.
How to get Help and how to Exit a conference room
If you use CIM, WinCIM, or MacCIM, click the "Help" function on your
menu for Help. Press the Esc key to Exit.
If you use any other program, type "/HELP" at the very beginning of a
new line for Help. Type "/EXIT" at the very beginning of a new line to
Exit. (Don't use the quotation marks. Make sure to type those commands at
the very beginning of a new line and press the ENTER key.)
Each Monday evening we have an informal conference for
forum members. It's a great opportunity for you to meet
staff, meet other members, talk about crime, make
suggestions for ways to improve the forum...whatever you'd
like! It's hosted by forum staff Sandy Wilson (Library Sysop). The
conferences start at 9PM Eastern Standard Time and are held
in the Informal Conference Room here in the forum.
See you next Monday!
Once a Month we host a conference for Security Professionals.
Currently we have expanded these conferences to a weekly basis
while we work on our Security Pro Home Page. The conferences
are held every Wednesday night at 2100h. To join the Security
Pro Section, and attend the conferences... Please drop a private
forum message to Assistant Sysop Al Colombo[71552,1031].
Hope to see you there:-)
Conference Rooms
Eliot Stein Show
Crime Forum Formal Conference Room [Conference Room 1]
This conference room is for formal conferences scheduled and announced by the Forum Administrator. If you or your organization would like to schedule a formal conference consistent with the forum's focus, scope, and purpose, post a message to *SYSOP in the forum. Formal conference rules, announced at the start of the conference, apply to all conferences in this room.
Crime Forum Informal Conference Room [Conference Room 2]
This conference room is for informal conferences scheduled and announced by the Forum Administrator. If you or your organization would like to schedule an informal conference consistent with the forum's focus, scope, and purpose, post a message to *SYSOP in the forum.
We Update the Forum Directory Weekly. The directory was last updated: Thursday, January 08, 1998General Introduction| News Flash Information| Message Board Information| Library Information