Wizard Photo and Audio Credit

The photograph and sound clips of the wizard are courtesy of Christian Treber, whose standard copyright notice is the following:
"The copyrights for these images/audio samples belong to Christian Treber. These images/audio samples are NOT public domain. You may view them with a Web-Browser (or external program) but not store them permanently and/or use them without prior written permission."
Christian also provided me with some personal background ...
"Hi! My name is Christian Treber, I'm 28 years old and I live near Darmstadt, Germany. In 1992 I went on a 10 week trip through New Zealand and got addicted to volcanoes and areas with geothermal activity. 1994 I returned, and had another very nice 5 week journey through New Zealand, especially through the Taupo Volcanic Zone. You may contact me via EMail."

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