-- -- site-wide-search.sql -- -- part of the ArsDigita Community System -- created by philg@mit.edu on March 13, 1999 -- -- modified by branimir@arsdigita.com 2000-02-02 -- and lars@arsdigita.com March 14, 2000 -- user datastore procedure for site wide index -- Note: execute this script by calling load-site-wide-search -- Expects three arguments: username password password-for-ctxsys -- Read /doc/site-wide-search.html and upgrade your InterMedia -- to or 8.1.6. connect &1/&2 create table site_wide_index ( table_name varchar(30) not null, the_key varchar(700) not null, one_line_description varchar(4000) not null, datastore char(1) not null, -- place holder for datastore column primary key (table_name, the_key) ); connect ctxsys/&3 -- changed name of procedure to sws_philg_datastore_proc in order -- to avoid conflict with photo.net's user datastore proc. -jsc CREATE OR replace procedure sws_philg_datastore_proc ( rid IN ROWID, tlob IN OUT nocopy clob ) IS v_table_name VARCHAR(30); v_primary_key VARCHAR(700); v_one_line VARCHAR(700); v_static_pages_row &1..static_pages%ROWTYPE; TYPE comment_rec IS RECORD ( message clob, author_name VARCHAR(300)); v_comment_row comment_rec; cursor bboard_cursor(v_msg_id CHAR) IS SELECT one_line, message, u.first_names || ' ' || u.last_name AS author_name FROM &1..bboard b, &1..users u WHERE b.sort_key LIKE v_msg_id || '%' AND b.user_id = u.user_id; BEGIN -- get various info on table and columns to index SELECT table_name, the_key, one_line_description INTO v_table_name, v_primary_key, v_one_line FROM &1..site_wide_index WHERE rid = site_wide_index.ROWID; -- clean out the clob we're going to stuff dbms_lob.trim(tlob, 0); -- handle different sections IF v_table_name = 'bboard' THEN -- Get data from every message in the thread. FOR bboard_record IN bboard_cursor(v_primary_key) LOOP IF bboard_record.one_line IS NOT NULL THEN dbms_lob.writeappend(tlob, length(bboard_record.one_line) + 1, bboard_record.one_line || ' '); END IF; dbms_lob.writeappend(tlob, length(bboard_record.author_name) + 1, bboard_record.author_name || ' '); IF bboard_record.message IS NOT NULL THEN dbms_lob.append(tlob, bboard_record.message); END IF; -- (branimir 2000-02-02 02:02:02) : Add a space so that the last word of this message doesn't get -- glued together with the first word of the next message: dbms_lob.writeappend(tlob, 1, ' '); END LOOP; ELSIF v_table_name = 'static_pages' THEN SELECT * INTO v_static_pages_row FROM &1..static_pages WHERE page_id = v_primary_key; IF v_static_pages_row.page_title IS NOT NULL THEN dbms_lob.writeappend(tlob, length(v_static_pages_row.page_title) + 1, v_static_pages_row.page_title || ' '); END IF; dbms_lob.append(tlob, v_static_pages_row.PAGE_BODY); ELSIF v_table_name = 'comments' THEN SELECT message, u.first_names || ' ' || u.last_name INTO v_comment_row FROM &1..comments c, &1..users u WHERE c.user_id = u.user_id AND c.comment_id = v_primary_key; dbms_lob.writeappend(tlob, length(v_comment_row.author_name) + 1, v_comment_row.author_name || ' '); dbms_lob.append(tlob, v_comment_row.message); END IF; END; / show errors grant execute on sws_user_datastore_proc to &1; grant ctxapp to &1; -- stuff to make interMedia faster exec ctx_adm.set_parameter('max_index_memory', '1G'); connect &1/&2 -- BBoard indexing insert into table_acs_properties (table_name, section_name, user_url_stub, admin_url_stub) values ('bboard', 'Discussion Forums', '/bboard/redirect-for-sws.tcl?msg_id=', '/bboard/admin-q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl'); create or replace trigger bboard_sws_insert_tr after insert on bboard for each row BEGIN -- Only create new site wide index row if this is the start of -- a new thread. IF :NEW.refers_to IS NULL THEN insert into site_wide_index (table_name, the_key, one_line_description, datastore) values ('bboard', :new.msg_id, :new.one_line, 'a'); ELSE -- Cause the datastore procedure to reindex this thread. UPDATE site_wide_index SET datastore = 'a' WHERE table_name = 'bboard' AND the_key = substr(:NEW.sort_key, 1, 6); END IF; END; / show errors -- No update trigger for bboard because -- a) it is tricky because we are only keeping one index row per thread -- b) it doesn't happen all that much, and doesn't matter when it does. CREATE OR replace trigger bboard_sws_delete_tr after DELETE ON bboard FOR each row BEGIN IF :old.refers_to IS NULL THEN -- we're deleting the whole thread, remove the index row. DELETE FROM site_wide_index WHERE the_key = :old.msg_id AND table_name = 'bboard'; ELSE -- just reindex the thread UPDATE site_wide_index SET datastore = 'a' WHERE the_key = substr(:old.sort_key, 1, 6) AND table_name = 'bboard'; END IF; END; / show errors -- static pages indexing insert into table_acs_properties (table_name, section_name, user_url_stub, admin_url_stub) values ('static_pages', 'Static Pages', '/search/static-page-redirect.tcl?page_id=', '/admin/static/page-summary.tcl?page_id='); create or replace trigger static_pages_sws_insert_tr after insert on static_pages for each row WHEN (NEW.index_p = 't') BEGIN -- we have to create a new row in the index table for this row. insert into site_wide_index (table_name, the_key, one_line_description, datastore) values ('static_pages', :new.page_id, :new.page_title, 'a'); END; / show errors CREATE OR replace trigger static_pages_sws_update_tr after UPDATE ON static_pages FOR each row BEGIN IF :old.index_p = 'f' AND :NEW.index_p = 't' THEN insert into site_wide_index (table_name, the_key, one_line_description, datastore) values ('static_pages', :new.page_id, :new.page_title, 'a'); ELSIF :old.index_p = 't' AND :NEW.index_p = 'f' THEN DELETE FROM site_wide_index WHERE table_name = 'static_pages' AND the_key = :old.page_id; ELSIF :NEW.index_p = 't' THEN update site_wide_index set the_key = :new.page_id, one_line_description = nvl(:new.page_title, '(no title)'), datastore = 'a' where table_name = 'static_pages' and the_key = :old.page_id; END IF; end; / show errors CREATE OR replace trigger static_pages_sws_delete_tr after DELETE ON static_pages FOR each row WHEN (old.index_p = 't') BEGIN DELETE FROM site_wide_index WHERE table_name = 'static_pages' AND the_key = :old.page_id; END; / show errors -- indexing for user comments insert into table_acs_properties (table_name, section_name, user_url_stub, admin_url_stub) values ('comments', 'User Comments', '/comments/one.tcl?comment_id=', '/admin/comments/persistent-edit.tcl?comment_id='); CREATE OR replace FUNCTION subject_for_comment (v_page_id INTEGER) return VARCHAR IS v_page_title static_pages.page_title%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT 'Comment on ' || nvl(page_title, 'untitled static page') || '' INTO v_page_title FROM static_pages WHERE page_id = v_page_id; RETURN v_page_title; END; / show errors create or replace trigger comments_sws_insert_tr after insert on comments for each row WHEN (NEW.deleted_p = 'f' AND NEW.comment_type = 'alternative_perspective') BEGIN insert into site_wide_index (table_name, the_key, one_line_description, datastore) values ('comments', :new.comment_id, subject_for_comment(:NEW.page_id), 'a'); END; / show errors CREATE OR replace trigger comments_sws_update_tr after UPDATE ON comments FOR each row WHEN (NEW.comment_type = 'alternative_perspective') BEGIN IF :old.deleted_p = 't' AND :NEW.deleted_p = 'f' THEN insert into site_wide_index (table_name, the_key, one_line_description, datastore) values ('comments', :new.comment_id, subject_for_comment(:NEW.page_id), 'a'); ELSIF :old.deleted_p = 'f' AND :NEW.deleted_p = 't' THEN DELETE FROM site_wide_index WHERE table_name = 'comments' AND the_key = :old.comment_id; ELSIF :NEW.deleted_p = 'f' THEN update site_wide_index set the_key = :new.comment_id, one_line_description = subject_for_comment(:NEW.page_id), datastore = 'a' where table_name = 'comments' AND the_key = :old.comment_id; END IF; end; / show errors CREATE OR replace trigger comments_sws_delete_tr after DELETE ON comments FOR each row WHEN (old.deleted_p = 'f' AND old.comment_type = 'alternative_perspective') BEGIN DELETE FROM site_wide_index WHERE table_name = 'comments' AND the_key = :old.comment_id; END; / show errors -- Table to support query by example. Session specific -- so we don't have to keep using new query_id's, as long -- as we clean up after each use. create global temporary table sws_result_table ( query_id number, theme varchar(2000), weight number ) on commit preserve rows; -- create intermedia index for site wide index begin ctx_ddl.create_preference('sws_user_datastore', 'user_datastore'); ctx_ddl.set_attribute('sws_user_datastore', 'procedure', 'sws_philg_datastore_proc'); end; / create index sws_ctx_index on site_wide_index (datastore) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('datastore sws_user_datastore memory 250M'); -- SQL to stuff the site wide index from scratch. -- insert into site_wide_index (table_name, the_key, one_line_description, datastore) -- select 'bboard', msg_id, nvl(one_line, '(no subject)'), 'a' -- from bboard -- WHERE refers_to IS NULL; -- -- insert into site_wide_index (table_name, the_key, one_line_description, datastore) -- select 'static_pages', page_id, nvl(page_title, '(no title)'), 'a' -- from static_pages; -- INSERT INTO site_wide_index (table_name, the_key, one_line_description, datastore) -- SELECT 'comments', comment_id, subject_for_comment(page_id), 'a' -- FROM comments -- WHERE deleted_p = 'f' -- AND comment_type = 'alternative_perspective'; -- Query to take free text user entered query and frob it into something -- that will make interMedia happy. Provided by Oracle. create or replace function im_convert( query in varchar2 default null ) return varchar2 is i number :=0; len number :=0; char varchar2(1); minusString varchar2(256); plusString varchar2(256); mainString varchar2(256); mainAboutString varchar2(500); finalString varchar2(500); hasMain number :=0; hasPlus number :=0; hasMinus number :=0; token varchar2(256); tokenStart number :=1; tokenFinish number :=0; inPhrase number :=0; inPlus number :=0; inWord number :=0; inMinus number :=0; completePhrase number :=0; completeWord number :=0; code number :=0; begin len := length(query); -- we iterate over the string to find special web operators for i in 1..len loop char := substr(query,i,1); if(char = '"') then if(inPhrase = 0) then inPhrase := 1; tokenStart := i; else inPhrase := 0; completePhrase := 1; tokenFinish := i-1; end if; elsif(char = ' ') then if(inPhrase = 0) then completeWord := 1; tokenFinish := i-1; end if; elsif(char = '+') then inPlus := 1; tokenStart := i+1; elsif((char = '-') and (i = tokenStart)) then inMinus :=1; tokenStart := i+1; end if; if(completeWord=1) then token := '{ '||substr(query,tokenStart,tokenFinish-tokenStart+1)||' }'; if(inPlus=1) then plusString := plusString||','||token||'*10'; hasPlus :=1; elsif(inMinus=1) then minusString := minusString||'OR '||token||' '; hasMinus :=1; else mainString := mainString||' NEAR '||token; mainAboutString := mainAboutString||' '||token; hasMain :=1; end if; tokenStart :=i+1; tokenFinish :=0; inPlus := 0; inMinus :=0; end if; completePhrase := 0; completeWord :=0; end loop; -- find the last token token := '{ '||substr(query,tokenStart,len-tokenStart+1)||' }'; if(inPlus=1) then plusString := plusString||','||token||'*10'; hasPlus :=1; elsif(inMinus=1) then minusString := minusString||'OR '||token||' '; hasMinus :=1; else mainString := mainString||' NEAR '||token; mainAboutString := mainAboutString||' '||token; hasMain :=1; end if; mainString := substr(mainString,6,length(mainString)-5); mainAboutString := replace(mainAboutString,'{',' '); mainAboutString := replace(mainAboutString,'}',' '); mainAboutString := replace(mainAboutString,')',' '); mainAboutString := replace(mainAboutString,'(',' '); plusString := substr(plusString,2,length(plusString)-1); minusString := substr(minusString,4,length(minusString)-4); -- we find the components present and then process them based on the specific combinations code := hasMain*4+hasPlus*2+hasMinus; if(code = 7) then finalString := '('||plusString||','||mainString||'*2.0,about('||mainAboutString||')*0.5) NOT ('||minusString||')'; elsif (code = 6) then finalString := plusString||','||mainString||'*2.0'||',about('||mainAboutString||')*0.5'; elsif (code = 5) then finalString := '('||mainString||',about('||mainAboutString||')) NOT ('||minusString||')'; elsif (code = 4) then finalString := mainString; finalString := replace(finalString,'*1,',NULL); finalString := '('||finalString||')*2.0,about('||mainAboutString||')'; elsif (code = 3) then finalString := '('||plusString||') NOT ('||minusString||')'; elsif (code = 2) then finalString := plusString; elsif (code = 1) then -- not is a binary operator for intermedia text finalString := 'totallyImpossibleString'||' NOT ('||minusString||')'; elsif (code = 0) then finalString := ''; end if; return finalString; end; / -- Job to resync sws_ctx_index every 10 minutes or so. -- declare -- job number; -- begin -- dbms_job.submit(job, 'ctx_ddl.sync_index(''sws_ctx_index'');', -- interval => 'sysdate + 1/24/6'); -- end; -- /