wp_show_attachments attach which alignWhat it does:
Searches through $attach, a list of id/file_size/file_name/display lists, for items where display = $which, and displays them aligned right or center or linked.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/wp-defs.tcl
Source code:
set out "" foreach item $attach { if { [lindex $item 3] == $which } { if { $align == "link" } { if { $out != "" } { append out " / " } append out "<a href=\"[wp_attach_url]/[lindex $item 0]/[philg_quote_double_quotes [lindex $item 2]]\">[philg_quote_double_quotes [lindex $item 2]] ([expr { [lindex $item 1] / 1024 }]K)</a>" } else { if { $align == "center" } { append out "<center>" } append out "<img src=\"[wp_attach_url]/[lindex $item 0]/[philg_quote_double_quotes [lindex $item 2]]\"" if { $align == "right" } { append out " align=right>\n" } else { append out "></center>\n" } } } } if { $align == "link" && $out != "" } { append out "<p>\n" } return $out