
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
wp_clob_dml   db   sql   clobs
What it does:
Executes a DML, optionally with up to 3 clobs.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/wp-defs.tcl

Source code:

    if { [llength $clobs] == 0 } {
	ns_db dml $db $sql
    } else {
	set clist [list]

	set returning_names [list]
	set returning_vars [list]
	set counter 0
	foreach clob $clobs {
	    incr counter
	    lappend returning_names [lindex $clob 0]
	    lappend returning_vars ":$counter"
	    lappend clist [lindex $clob 1]
	append sql " returning [join $returning_names ","] into [join $returning_vars ","]"
	switch [llength $clobs] {
	    1 { ns_ora clob_dml $db $sql [lindex $clist 0] }
	    2 { ns_ora clob_dml $db $sql [lindex $clist 0] [lindex $clist 1] }
	    3 { ns_ora clob_dml $db $sql [lindex $clist 0] [lindex $clist 1] [lindex $clist 2] }
	    default { error "wp_clob_dml support only up to 3 clobs." }
