
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
wml_one_employee_card   one_employee   { card_id "" }
What it does:
Returns a WML with phone numbers for one employee, expecting input of the form { {home_phone} {work_phone} {cell_phone} }
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-wap-defs.tcl

Source code:

    set name [lindex $one_employee 0]
    set home_phone [lindex $one_employee 1]
    set work_phone [lindex $one_employee 2]
    set cell_phone [lindex $one_employee 3]
    set body "$name<br/>\n"
    if ![empty_string_p $cell_phone] {
	append body "cell: $cell_phone [wml_maybe_call -parse_p 1 $cell_phone $name]<br/>\n"
    if ![empty_string_p $work_phone] {
	append body "work: $work_phone [wml_maybe_call -parse_p 1 $work_phone $name]<br/>\n"
    if ![empty_string_p $home_phone] {
	append body "home: $home_phone [wml_maybe_call -parse_p 1 $home_phone $name]<br/>\n"
    return [wml_simple_card -card_id $card_id $body]
