util_get_http_status url { use_get_p "1" } { timeout "30" }What it does:
Returns the HTTP status code, e.g., 200 for a normal response or 500 for an error, of a URL. By default this uses the GET method instead of HEAD since not all servers will respond properly to a HEAD request even when the URL is perfectly valid. Note that this means AOLserver may be sucking down a lot of bits that it doesn't need.Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/utilities-procs.tcl
Source code:
if $use_get_p { set http [ns_httpopen GET $url "" $timeout] } else { set http [ns_httpopen HEAD $url "" $timeout] } # philg changed these to close BOTH rfd and wfd set rfd [lindex $http 0] set wfd [lindex $http 1] close $rfd close $wfd set headers [lindex $http 2] set response [ns_set name $headers] set status [lindex $response 1] ns_set free $headers return $status