url_from_list url_listWhat it does:
given url list as described in ug_parse_url this procedure puts back the url from the list. thus, if list contains elements A, B and C, this procedure will return A/B/C. if list contains elements A, B, C and / than this procedure will return A/B/C/Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/user-group-defs.tcl
Source code:
set url_list_length [llength $url_list] if { $url_list_length < 1 } { return "" } set first_url_element [lindex $url_list 0] if { [string compare $first_url_element /]==0 } { return "/" } set last_url_element [lindex $url_list [expr $url_list_length - 1]] if { [string compare $last_url_element /]==0 } { return "[join [lrange $url_list 0 [expr $url_list_length - 2]] /]/" } else { return "[join [lrange $url_list 0 [expr $url_list_length - 1]] /]" }