ticket_report db selection view table_defWhat it does:
generate a report from an active DB query.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ticket-defs.tcl
Source code:
set i 0 set html {} while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} { set_variables_after_query if {![info exists seen($msg_id)]} { set seen($msg_id) 1 set order($i) $msg_id set line($msg_id) "<p><strong><a href=\"issue-view?msg_id=$msg_id\">\#$msg_id $one_line</a></strong><br>Project: <strong>$project_title_long</strong> Feature Area: <strong>$domain_title_long</strong> Status: <strong>$status_long</strong> Creation Date: <strong>$creation_mdy</strong> Severity: <strong>$severity_long</strong><br>" if { $view == "full_report" } { append chtml($msg_id) "<blockquote>" if { $html_p == "f" } { append chtml($msg_id) [util_convert_plaintext_to_html $message] } else { append chtml($msg_id) $message } append chtml($msg_id) "<br>-- $user_name <<a href=\"mailto:$email\">$email</a>></blockquote>" } incr i } if {![empty_string_p $assigned_user_email ]} { lappend ass($msg_id) "<a href=\"mailto:$assigned_user_email\">$assigned_user_email</a>" } } if { $i < 1 } { return "<br><em>No data found.</em><br>" } # ok now for full reports we need to go get the # messages...we can use db since we just finished the query... if {$view == "full_report"} { set selection [ns_db select $db "select gc.on_what_id, gc.comment_id, gc.client_file_name, gc.file_type, gc.original_width, gc.original_height, gc.caption, gc.content, gc.html_p, u.last_name, u.first_names, u.email, u.user_id, to_char(comment_date, 'Month, DD YYYY HH:MI AM') as comment_date_long from general_comments gc, users u where on_which_table = 'ticket_issues' and u.user_id = gc.user_id and on_what_id in ([join [array names seen] {,}]) order by comment_date asc"] while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} { set_variables_after_query append chtml($on_what_id) "[format_general_comment $comment_id $client_file_name $file_type $original_width $original_height $caption $content $html_p]<br> -- $first_names $last_name <<a href=\"mailto:$email\">$email</a>> on $comment_date_long<br>" } } for {set m 0} { $m < $i } { incr m } { append html "$line($order($m))" set line($order($m)) {} if {[info exists ass($order($m))]} { append html "Assigned to: [join $ass($order($m)) {, }]<br>" } if {[info exists chtml($order($m))]} { append html "<blockquote>$chtml($order($m))</blockquote>" set chtml($order($m)) {} } } return $html