sub_page_validation argsWhat it does:
Use this inside a page_validation block which needs to check more than one thing. Put this around each part that might signal an error.Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/utilities-procs.tcl
Source code:
# to allow this to be at any level, we search up the stack for {%%exception_list} set depth [info level] for {set level 1} {$level <= $depth} {incr level} { upvar $level {%%exception_list} {%%exception_list} if { [info exists {%%exception_list}] } { break } } if { ![info exists {%%exception_list}] } { error "sub_page_validation not inside page_validation" } foreach validation_block $args { if { [catch {uplevel $validation_block} errmsg] } { lappend {%%exception_list} $errmsg } }