static_format_comments_and_links moby_listWhat it does:
Takes list of comment_bytes link_bytes options_list comment_option link_option and produces HTML fragment to stick at bottom of page.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-html.tcl
Source code:
if [empty_string_p $moby_list] { return "" } set comment_bytes [lindex $moby_list 0] set link_bytes [lindex $moby_list 1] set options_list [lindex $moby_list 2] set comment_option [lindex $moby_list 3] set link_option [lindex $moby_list 4] if { [empty_string_p $comment_bytes] && [empty_string_p $link_bytes] } { if { [llength $options_list] > 0 } { set centered_options "<center>[join $options_list " | "]</center>" } else { set centered_options "" } return $centered_options } elseif { ![empty_string_p $comment_bytes] && [empty_string_p $link_bytes] } { # there are comments but no links return "<center><h3>Reader's Comments</h3></center> $comment_bytes <center>[join $options_list " | "]</center>" } elseif { [empty_string_p $comment_bytes] && ![empty_string_p $link_bytes] } { # links but no comments return "<center><h3>Related Links</h3></center> <ul>$link_bytes</ul> <center>[join $options_list " | "]</center>" } else { # comments and links return "<center><h3>Reader's Comments</h3></center> $comment_bytes <center> $comment_option </center> <center><h3>Related Links</h3></center> <ul>$link_bytes</ul> <center> $link_option </center>" }