spam_post_new_spam_message { -db 0 -template_p "f" -from_address "" -title "" -body_plain "" -body_html "" -body_aol "" -target_users_description "" -target_users_query "" -send_date "" -creation_user "" }What it does:
Insert a message to be sent by the spam daemon at a scheduled time send_date.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/spam-daemon.tclsend_date should be a string of the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS" or else an empty string. If send_date is an empty string, then sysdate is used (send as soon as possible).
Returns spam_id, the id of the newly created message in the spam_history table.
Source code:
arg_parser_for_spam_post_new_spam_message $args # Validate that all mandatory arguments have been supplied. # set missing_args [list] if { $db == 0 } { lappend missing_args "db" } if { [empty_string_p $body_plain] } { lappend missing_args "body_plain" } set n_missing_args [llength $missing_args] if { $n_missing_args > 0 } { error "missing $n_missing_args arg(s): [join $missing_args ", "]" } if {[empty_string_p $send_date]} { set sql_send_date "null" } else { set sql_send_date [ns_dbquotevalue $send_date] } set spam_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select spam_id_sequence.nextval from dual"] ns_ora clob_dml $db "insert into spam_history (spam_id, template_p, from_address, title, body_plain, body_html, body_aol, user_class_description, user_class_query, send_date, creation_date, creation_user, status, creation_ip_address,pathname) values ($spam_id, '$template_p', '[DoubleApos $from_address]', '[DoubleApos $title]', empty_clob(),empty_clob(),empty_clob(), '[DoubleApos $target_users_description]', [ns_dbquotevalue $target_users_query], nvl(to_date($sql_send_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), sysdate), sysdate, $creation_user, 'unsent', '', null) returning body_plain, body_html, body_aol into :1, :2, :3" $body_plain $body_html $body_aol return $spam_id