
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
sortable_table   db   select_string   display_spec   vars_to_export   sort_var   current_sort_order   { table_length "" }   { extra_table_parameters "" }   { stripe_color_list "" }   { max_results "" }   { header_font_params "" }   { row_font_params "" }
What it does:
Procedure to format a database query as a table that can be sorted by clicking on the headers. Arguments are:
Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/utilities-procs.tcl

Source code:

    # Run the SQL
    set order_clause ""
    if { ![empty_string_p $current_sort_order] } {
	set order_clause " order by [join $current_sort_order ","]"
    set selection [ns_db select $db "$select_string$order_clause"]

    # Start generating the table HTML.
    set table_start "<table $extra_table_parameters>\n" 
    set table_html ""
    set primary_sort_column [lindex $current_sort_order 0]

    # Put in the headers.
    set headers "<tr>"
    foreach col_desc $display_spec {

	# skip any blank columns
	if { [llength $col_desc] < 1 } { continue }

	set primary_column_name [lindex $col_desc 0]

	# set the default sort order
	set primary_column_sort ""
	if { [llength $col_desc] > 3 } {
	    set primary_column_sort "[lindex $col_desc 3]"

	set column_header [lindex $col_desc 1]

	# Calculate the href for the header link.
	set this_url [ns_conn url]
	set exported_vars [export_ns_set_vars "url" $sort_var $vars_to_export]
	if { ![empty_string_p $exported_vars] } {
	    append exported_vars "&"
	set just_the_sort_column [lindex $primary_sort_column 0]
	set sort_icon ""
	if { $primary_column_name == $just_the_sort_column } {
	    # This is the column that is being sorted on. Need to reverse
	    # the direction of the sort by appending or removing " desc".

	    # Relies on the fact that indexing past the end of a list
	    # is not an error, just returns the empty string.
	    # We're treating a string as a list here, since we know that
	    # $primary_sort_column will be a plain column name, or a 
	    # column name followed by " desc".
	    if { [lindex $primary_sort_column 1] == "desc" } {
		append exported_vars "$sort_var=[ns_urlencode [sortable_table_new_sort_order $current_sort_order $just_the_sort_column]]"
		set sort_icon "<img border=0 src=\"/graphics/up.gif\">"
	    } else {
		append exported_vars "$sort_var=[ns_urlencode [sortable_table_new_sort_order $current_sort_order "$just_the_sort_column desc"]]"
		set sort_icon "<img border=0 src=\"/graphics/down.gif\">"
	} else {
	    # Clicked on some other column.
	    append exported_vars "$sort_var=[ns_urlencode [sortable_table_new_sort_order $current_sort_order "$primary_column_name $primary_column_sort"]]"

	if { [empty_string_p "[lindex $col_desc 4]"] } {
	    append headers "<th>"
	} else {
	    append headers "<th width=\"[lindex $col_desc 4]\">"

	append headers "<a href=\"$this_url?$exported_vars\"><font face=\"helvetica,verdana,arial\" $header_font_params>$column_header</font>$sort_icon</th>"


    append headers "</tr>\n"

    # Do the data rows.
    set i 0
    set color_index 0
    set n_colors [llength $stripe_color_list]
    set n_results 0

    while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } {

	# check to see if we have reached our max results limit
	if { [exists_and_not_null max_results] } {
	    if { $n_results >= $max_results } { break }
	    incr n_results

	# Handle table breaks.
	if { $i == 0 } {
	    append table_html "$table_start$headers"
	} elseif { ![empty_string_p $table_length] } {
	    if { $i % $table_length == 0 } {
		append table_html "</table>\n$table_start$headers"
		set i 0

	# Handle row striping.
	if { ![empty_string_p $stripe_color_list] } {
	    append table_html "<tr bgcolor=\"[lindex $stripe_color_list $color_index]\">"
	    set color_index [expr ($color_index + 1) % $n_colors]
	} else {
	    append table_html "<tr>"

	# Handle each display column.
	foreach col_desc $display_spec {

	    # skip any blank columns
	    if { [llength $col_desc] < 1 } { continue }

	    set primary_column_name [lindex $col_desc 0]
	    set col_display [lindex $col_desc 2]
	    if { [empty_string_p $col_display] } {
		# Just use the sort column as the value.
		set col_display "\$$primary_column_name"

	    # Insert &nbsp; for empty rows to avoid empty cells.
	    set value [subst $col_display]
	    if { [empty_string_p $value] } {
		set value "&nbsp;"

	    append table_html "<td><font face=\"helvetica,verdana,arial\" $row_font_params>$value</font></td>"

	append table_html "</tr>\n"
	incr i

    ns_db flush $db

    if { ![empty_string_p $table_html] } {
        append table_html "</table>"

    return $table_html