send_one_group_spam_message spam_idWhat it does:
This procedure sends out a group spam message with the given spam_id, provided the spam is approved ( i.e. either the spam policy of the group is "open", or policy is "wait" and the group administrator approved it)Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/user-group-defs.tcl
Source code:
ns_log Notice "running send_one_group_spam_message" set db [ns_db gethandle] # Get information related to this spam from the group_spam_history_table set selection [ns_db select $db "select * from group_spam_history where spam_id = $spam_id and approved_p = 't' and send_date is null"] if { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] == 0} { # no sendable spam ns_db releasehandle $db ns_log Notice "send_one_group_spam_message : no spam to send" return } set_variables_after_query set group_name [database_to_tcl_string $db " select group_name from user_groups where group_id = $group_id"] set admin_email [database_to_tcl_string $db " select admin_email from user_groups where group_id = $group_id"] set group_spam_removal_string "[group_spam_removal_blurb $db $group_id]" if { [lsearch $send_to "all"] != -1 } { set role_clause "" } else { foreach recipient_role $send_to { append ug_role_clause "ug.role='$recipient_role' " } set role_clause "and (" append role_clause [join $ug_role_clause " or "] ) } set sql_query "select distinct as receiver_email, u.user_id as receiver_id , u.first_names as receiver_first_names, u.last_name as receiver_last_name from user_group_map ug, users_spammable u where ug.group_id = $group_id $role_clause and ug.user_id = u.user_id and not exists ( select 1 from group_member_email_preferences where group_id = $group_id and user_id = u.user_id and dont_spam_me_p = 't') and not exists ( select 1 from user_user_bozo_filter where origin_user_id = u.user_id and target_user_id = $sender_id)" set selection_list [database_to_tcl_list_list $db $sql_query] # Release the handle while sending mail ns_db releasehandle $db # query sets email for each recipient regsub -all "\r" $body "" body_stripped foreach row $selection_list { set receiver_email [lindex $row 0] set receiver_id [lindex $row 1] set receiver_first_names [lindex $row 2] set receiver_last_name [lindex $row 3] set message_body $body_stripped # This appends group-wide removal blurb append message_body $group_spam_removal_string # This appends site-wide bozo-filter blurb, # so, the receiver doesn't get any more email from sender append message_body "[bozo_filter_blurb $sender_id]" # substitute all user/group specific data in the message body regsub -all "<first_names>" $message_body $receiver_first_names message_body regsub -all "<last_name>" $message_body $receiver_last_name message_body regsub -all "<email>" $message_body $receiver_email message_body regsub -all "<group_name>" $message_body $group_name message_body regsub -all "<admin_email>" $message_body $admin_email message_body ns_sendmail $receiver_email $from_address $subject $message_body incr n_receivers_actual } # Log that the emails went out set db [ns_db gethandle subquery] ns_db dml $db "update group_spam_history set n_receivers_actual=$n_receivers_actual, send_date = sysdate where spam_id = $spam_id " ns_db releasehandle $db ns_log Notice "send_one_group_spam_message : finished sending group spam id $spam_id"