
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
send_author_comment_p   comment_type   action
What it does:
Returns email notification state type of html comment
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-html.tcl

Source code:

    if { [string compare $action "add"] == 0 } {

	switch $comment_type {
	    "unanswered_question" { return [ad_parameter EmailNewUnansweredQuestion comments] }
	    "alternative_perspective" { return [ad_parameter EmailNewAlternativePerspective comments] }
	    "rating" { return [ad_parameter EmailNewRating comments] }
	    default  { return 0 }

    } else {

	switch $comment_type {
	   "unanswered_question" { return [ad_parameter EmailEditedUnansweredQuestion comments] }
	   "alternative_perspective" { return [ad_parameter EmailEditedAlternativePerspective comments] }
	   "rating" { return [ad_parameter EmailEditedRating comments] }
	    default  { return 0 }