rp_registered_proc_info_compare info1 info2What it does:
A comparison predicate for registered procedures, returning -1, 0, or 1 depending the relative sorted order of $info1 and $info2 in the procedure list. Items with longer paths come first.Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/request-processor-procs.tcl
Source code:
set info1_path [lindex $info1 1] set info2_path [lindex $info2 1] set info1_path_length [string length $info1_path] set info2_path_length [string length $info2_path] if { $info1_path_length < $info2_path_length } { return 1 } if { $info1_path_length > $info2_path_length } { return -1 } return 0