
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
poll_front_page { -item_start "<li>" -item_end "" -style_start "" -style_end "" -require_registration_start "" -require_registration_end "" -require_registration_text "(registration required)" -no_polls "There are no currently active polls" } polls
What it does:
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/poll-defs.tcl

Source code:

arg_parser_for_poll_front_page $args

    set result ""

    set user_id [ad_get_user_id]

    set length [llength $polls]

    if { $length == 0 } {
	append result "$item_start $no_polls"

    for { set i 0 } { $i < $length } { incr i 2 } {
	set item [lindex $polls $i]
	set require_registration_p [lindex $polls [expr $i + 1]]

	append result "$item_start $style_start $item $style_end $item_end"

	if { $require_registration_p == "t" && $user_id == 0 } {
	    # this poll requires registration and the user isn't logged in
	    append result "$require_registration_start $require_registration_text $require_registration_end"
	append result "\n"

    return $result
