im_yes_no_table yes_action no_action { var_list "[list]" } { yes_button " Yes " } { no_button " No " }What it does:
Returns a 2 column table with 2 actions - one for yes and one for no. All the variables in var_list are exported into the to forms. If you want to change the text of either the yes or no button, you can ser yes_button or no_button respectively.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-defs.tcl
Source code:
set hidden_vars "" foreach varname $var_list { if { [eval uplevel {info exists $varname}] } { upvar $varname value if { ![empty_string_p $value] } { append hidden_vars "<input type=hidden name=$varname value=\"[philg_quote_double_quotes $value]\">\n" } } } return " <table> <tr> <td><form method=post action=\"[philg_quote_double_quotes $yes_action]\"> $hidden_vars <input type=submit name=operation value=\"[philg_quote_double_quotes $yes_button]\"> </form> </td> <td><form method=get action=\"[philg_quote_double_quotes $no_action]\"> $hidden_vars <input type=submit name=operation value=\"[philg_quote_double_quotes $no_button]\"> </form> </td> </tr> </table> "