
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
im_num_employees   db   { since_when "" }   { report_date "" }   { purpose "" }
What it does:
Returns string that gives # of employees and full time equivalents
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-defs.tcl

Source code:

    set num_employees [database_to_tcl_string $db  "select count(time.percentage_time) 
               from im_employees_active emp, im_employee_percentage_time time
              where (time.percentage_time is not null and time.percentage_time > 0)
                and (emp.start_date < sysdate)
                and time.start_block = to_date(next_day(sysdate-8, 'SUNDAY'), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
                and time.user_id=emp.user_id"]

    set num_fte [database_to_tcl_string $db  "select sum(time.percentage_time) / 100
               from im_employees_active emp, im_employee_percentage_time time
              where (time.percentage_time is not null and time.percentage_time > 0)
                and (emp.start_date < sysdate)
                and time.start_block = to_date(next_day(sysdate-8, 'SUNDAY'), 'YYYY-MM-DD')
                and time.user_id=emp.user_id"]

    if { [empty_string_p $num_fte] } {
	set num_fte 0
    set return_string "We have $num_employees [util_decode $num_employees 1 employee employees] ($num_fte full-time [util_decode $num_fte 1 $num_fte equivalent equivalents])"

    if {$purpose == "web_display"} {
	return "<blockquote>$return_string</blockquote>"
    } else {
	return "$return_string"