im_groups_url {-db "" -section "" -group_id "" -short_name ""}What it does:
Sets up the proper url for the /groups stuff in acsDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-defs.tcl
Source code:
arg_parser_for_im_groups_url $args if { [empty_string_p $group_id] && [empty_string_p $short_name] } { ad_return_error "Missing group_id and short_name" "We need either the short name or the group id to set up the url for the /groups directory" } if { [empty_string_p $short_name] } { if { [empty_string_p $db] } { set db [ns_db gethandle subquery] set release_db 1 } else { set release_db 0 } set short_name [database_to_tcl_string $db "select short_name from user_groups where group_id=$group_id"] if { $release_db } { ns_db releasehandle $db } } if { ![empty_string_p $section] } { set section "/$section" } return "/groups/[ad_urlencode $short_name]$section"