im_group_scope_url group_id return_url module_url { user_belongs_to_group_p " " }What it does:
Creates a url for a group scoped module. If the current user is not in the group for the module, we redirect first to a page to explain that the user must be in the group to access the scoping functionality.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-defs.tcl
Source code:
if { [regexp {\?} $module_url] } { set url "$module_url&" } else { set url "$module_url?" } append url "scope=group&[export_url_vars group_id return_url]" if { ![empty_string_p $user_belongs_to_group_p] && $user_belongs_to_group_p } { set in_group_p 1 } else { set db [ns_db gethandle subquery] set in_group_p [ad_user_group_member $db $group_id [ad_get_user_id]] ns_db releasehandle $db } if { $in_group_p } { return $url } set continue_url $url set cancel_url $return_url return "[im_url_stub]/group-member-option.tcl?[export_url_vars group_id continue_url cancel_url]"