im_future_employees db { coverage " " } { report_date " " } { purpose " " }What it does:
Returns a string that gives a list of future employeesDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-status-report-defs.tcl
Source code:
set selection [ns_db select $db "select u.user_id, first_names, last_name, email, start_date, (select job_title from im_job_titles where original_job_id = job_title_id) as job_title, decode(im_employee_percentage_time.percentage_time, NULL, '', im_employee_percentage_time.percentage_time||'% ') as percentage_string, group_names_of_user_by_type(u.user_id, '[ad_parameter IntranetGroupType intranet intranet]') as group_names_of_user from users_active u, im_employee_info info, im_employee_percentage_time where u.user_id =info.user_id and im_employee_percentage_time.user_id = info.user_id and (im_employee_percentage_time.start_block = (select min(start_block) from im_employee_percentage_time where im_employee_percentage_time.user_id = info.user_id) or im_employee_percentage_time.start_block is null) and info.start_date > '$report_date' order by start_date"] set return_list [list] while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} { set_variables_after_query if {$purpose == "web_display"} { lappend return_list "<a href=[im_url_stub]/users/view.tcl?[export_url_vars user_id]>$first_names $last_name</a> ($start_date) Groups: $group_names_of_user" } else { lappend return_list "$first_names $last_name ($start_date) Groups: $group_names_of_user" } } if {[llength $return_list] == 0} { return "None \n" } if {$purpose == "web_display"} { return "<ul><li>[join $return_list "<li>"]</ul>" } else { return "[join $return_list "\n"]" }