im_customers_comments db { coverage " " } { report_date " " } { purpose " " }What it does:
Returns a string that gives a list of customer profiles that have had correspondences - comments - addedto them with in the period of the coverage date from the report dateDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-status-report-defs.tcl
Source code:
if { [empty_string_p $report_date] } { set report_date [database_to_tcl_string $db "select sysdate from dual"] } set selection [ns_db select $db "select u.user_id, first_names, last_name, general_comments.content, general_comments.html_p, user_groups.group_name, im_projects.group_id, comment_date, one_line, comment_id from users_active u, general_comments, im_projects, user_groups where u.user_id =general_comments.user_id and im_projects.group_id = general_comments.on_what_id and on_which_table = 'user_groups' and comment_date > to_date('$report_date', 'YYYY-MM-DD') - $coverage and user_groups.group_id=im_projects.group_id order by lower(group_name), comment_date"] set return_list [list] set return_url "[im_url]/customers/view.tcl?[export_url_vars group_id]" while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} { set_variables_after_query if {$purpose == "web_display"} { lappend return_list "<a href=/general-comments/view-one.tcl?[export_url_vars comment_id]&item=[ns_urlencode $group_name]&[export_url_vars return_url]>$one_line</a> - <a href=[im_url_stub]/project-info.tcl?[export_url_vars project_id]>$name</a> by <a href=[im_url_stub]/users/view.tcl?[export_url_vars user_id]>$first_names $last_name</a> on [util_IllustraDatetoPrettyDate $comment_date]<br> [util_maybe_convert_to_html $content $html_p] " } else { lappend return_list "$one_line - $name by $first_names $last_name on [util_IllustraDatetoPrettyDate $comment_date] \n [util_striphtml $content] -- [im_url]/project-info.tcl?[export_url_vars project_id] " } } set end_date [database_to_tcl_string $db "select sysdate-$coverage from dual"] if {[llength $return_list] == 0} { return "No customer correspondences in period [util_IllustraDatetoPrettyDate $end_date] - [util_IllustraDatetoPrettyDate $report_date].\n" } if {$purpose == "web_display"} { return "<ul><li>[join $return_list "<li>"]</ul>" } else { return "\n [join $return_list "\n"] " }