gc_user_contributions db user_id purposeWhat it does:
Returns list items, one for each classified postingDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/gc-defs.tcl
Source code:
# we query out both the current and audit rows at once (so that we get a complete # chronology). For an ad that is current but has an audit row as well, we'll # get the current one first set selection [ns_db select $db "select classified_ad_id, posted, expired_p(expires) as expired_p, one_line, 'f' as audit_row_p from classified_ads where user_id = $user_id union select classified_ad_id, posted, 'f' as expired_p, one_line, 't' as audit_row_p from classified_ads_audit where user_id = $user_id order by classified_ad_id, audit_row_p"] set classified_items "" set last_id "" while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} { set_variables_after_query if { $classified_ad_id == $last_id } { # this is an audit row for a current ad; skip printing it continue } set suffix "" if {$expired_p == "t"} { set suffix "<font color=red>expired</font>\n" } if {$audit_row_p == "t" } { set suffix "<font color=red>deleted</font>\n" set target_url "view-ad-history.tcl" } else { # regular ad set target_url "view-one.tcl" if { $purpose == "site_admin" && $expired_p != "t" } { append suffix "\[<a target=another_window href=\"/admin/gc/edit-ad?classified_ad_id=$classified_ad_id\">Edit</a> | <a target=another_window href=\"/admin/gc/delete-ad?classified_ad_id=$classified_ad_id\">Delete</a> \]\n" } } append classified_items "<li>[util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate $posted]: <A HREF=\"/gc/$target_url?classified_ad_id=$classified_ad_id\">$one_line</a> $suffix\n" set last_id $classified_ad_id } if [empty_string_p $classified_items] { return [list] } else { return [list 0 "Classified Ads" "<ul>\n\n$classified_items\n\n</ul>\n"] }